God Must Be The Source Of Our Vision –…
God Must Be The Source Of Our Vision – Part 2
God must be the source of our vision because He is the ultimate guide and purpose of our lives. And God is The Source of the power and ability to accomplish His vision and mission. When we seek God’s will and wisdom, our vision becomes aligned with His divine plan.
This leads us toward the meaningful goals that reflect God’s desires, plans, and vision. A vision rooted in God helps us navigate life and ministry with clarity, purpose, and hope. Thus ensuring that our decisions and actions honor God and contribute to the greater good. By allowing God to shape our vision, we can live with an eternal perspective, trusting that His direction will lead to fulfillment, lasting impacts, and great fruitfulness and victories.
God Must Be The Source of Our Vision
In Part 1 of God Must Be The Source Of Our Vision we saw that these days it is normal for pastors or leaders of churches and ministries to come up with their own man made vision. And we learned that in order to accomplish God’s work and mission in the world, we must receive God’s vision by revelation. God needs to reveal His will, plans, ways, and vision in order for us to see Him accomplishing His great works through us.
And we learned that Jesus is our perfect example to follow. Jesus taught that God is always actively working in the world. And when Jesus was on earth He actively joined God in His work. Jesus also taught that he could do nothing on his own, and that we too can do nothing by ourselves. Everyone can do some good things, but Jesus is referencing doing God’s great works and kingdom work and mission.
Jesus also taught us that God needs to reveal His vision and will in order for us to be able to join God. God must be the source of our vision. And we need to have God do the work through us, and not us trying to accomplish it on our own. When we try this on our own we will fail.
God Must Be The Source Of Our Vision
How Did Jesus Know How To Join God In His Work & Mission ?
This answer to this question for some people would be that Jesus is God and therefore He knew everything already. But Jesus was fully human, and He needed to spend time with God in close fellowship and prayer with God. Through this prayer and fellowship time with God, God revealed His will and His activity to Jesus. And God revealed to Jesus how he could join God in His work and mission. In other words, God revealed His activity and His will and plans to Jesus.
“For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does. Yes, and he will show him even greater works than these, so that you will be amazed.” – John 5:20
“For the Father loves the Son” shows that Jesus had a close relationship and fellowship with His Father. And Jesus was one with The Father. Jesus shows that it is through this close relationship and fellowship, and oneness with God, that The Father revealed His vision and will and activity in the world. And He revealed how Jesus could join The Father in accomplishing His kingdom work and mission.
Jesus Spent A Lot Of Time In Prayer Seeking God’s Will & Vision
When you read about Jesus’ life and ministry on earth, one thing will show up all the time. Jesus always spent a lot of time in prayer and fellowship with God. He was completely dependent on God for everything. Especially when it came to accomplishing God’s kingdom work and mission. And Jesus was completely one with God, always in tune with His Father’s activity. And always obeying and following His Father.
Jesus choosing the 12 disciples is a great example of this. Jesus needed to choose the disciples that God wanted, so He spent the entire night praying for God to reveal His will. All but one of these men would later on become the apostles and leaders of the new church to come.
“It was at this time that He went off to the mountain to pray, and He spent the whole night in prayer to God. And when day came, He called His disciples to Him and chose twelve of them, whom He also named as apostles” – Luke 6:12
God Must Be The Source Of Our Vision
Close Fellowship And Oneness With God Are Vital
If we are to be fruitful for God’s Kingdom, God must be the source of our vision. For this to happen and for God to reveal His vision, we must be close to Him. And be fully devoted servants of His. Many Christian leaders make the mistake of not continually working on their personal relationship and fellowship with the Lord. And to seeking His will and His vision of what He wants to do in the world.
It is human nature to want to go out and do things for God. And to come up with our own plans and visions. But God’s ways and thoughts are not our own. God is actively working and on mission in the world, working to redeem humanity. And only He knows how to do this. We must continually humble ourselves before Him and seek His face and His will & vision.
“Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, so that He may exalt you at the proper time.” – 1 Peter 5:6
Join God In His Work After He Reveals His Vision
The only way we will be successful and fruitful for the Lord is to join Him in what He is doing. Like Jesus did. Jesus did not come up with His own vision and plans and strategies. He was always spending much time in prayer and fellowship with The Father. And as a result, God would always reveal to Jesus how he was to join God in His kingdom work. And how to successfully fulfill God’s work and mission in the world.
“Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself. He can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. or the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does. Yes, and he will show him even greater works than these, so that you will be amazed.” – John 5:19-20
God Must Be The Source Of Our Vision
Close Fellowship And Oneness With God Are The Keys
God must be the source of our vision. In order for us to receive God’s vision and guidance, we must humble ourselves. And we need to recognize our need to totally depend on God. And we must invest time and effort in our relationship and fellowship with God.
When we have close fellowship and oneness with God, we will be instruments and servants that God can fill and empower to do His work. We will never be what God wants us to be by self efforts. And we will never accomplish what God wants to do by dreaming up our own plans and visions. And then praying for Him to come to join and bless us and our vision.
We must humble ourselves, work on our relationship with God, seek His face, and then follow and obey Him. Wherever and however He leads us, and no matter the cost. Then in God’s timing He will reveal how we can join Him in His work. It is not us trying to do great things for God, it is God doing His great work through us. His faithful and devoted servants and instruments.
Pursuing Intimacy With God
Pursuing Intimacy With God is committed to helping you with the most important thing in your life… your intimacy with God , your fellowship with Him, and your partnership with God in His Kingdom work & mission.
There is much more information on Intimacy With God, Prayer, Praise & Worship, Hearing God’s Voice,… and hundreds of great Biblical truths and promises in the Pursuing Intimacy With God Bible studies.
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