God Must Be The Source Of Our Vision
God Must Be The Source Of Our Vision
God must be the source of our vision because He is the ultimate guide and purpose of our lives. And God is The Source of the power and ability to accomplish His vision and mission. When we seek God’s will and wisdom, our vision becomes aligned with His divine plan.
This leads us toward the meaningful goals that reflect God’s desires, plans, and vision. A vision rooted in God helps us navigate life and ministry with clarity, purpose, and hope. Thus ensuring that our decisions and actions honor God and contribute to the greater good. By allowing God to shape our vision, we can live with an eternal perspective, trusting that His direction will lead to fulfillment, lasting impacts, and great fruitfulness and victories.
God Must Be The Source Of Our Vision
Most pastors, leaders, churches, and ministries have a mission statement and a vision statement. And most have a vision of what they want their church or ministry to be and do. Now and in the future.
One of the big problems in many churches and ministries these days is the source of the vision. As you look at many churches and ministries today, it is common for the pastor or leader to come up with the vision. Or the pastor and leaders get together, have a quick prayer to open their meetings, and then brainstorm to come up with the best ideas and the vision.
Revelation Versus Vision
Most churches and ministries these days come up with their own vision. Whether the pastor himself or a group of leaders comes up with the vision, most are man made visions these days.
What has become standard practice in today’s modern church is not the way God intended things to be for His church. Getting a vision by meeting together and brainstorming ideas and vision is not God’s way. It sounds right to our human minds, but it is not.
“There is a significant difference between revelation and vision. Vision is something people produce; revelation is something people receive. Leaders can dream up a vision, but they cannot discover God’s will. God must reveal it. The visions that drive spiritual leaders must be derived from God. It is critical for leaders to walk closely with the Father, so they are keenly aware of his revelation and are ready to respond in obedience.” – Henry Blackaby / Spiritual Leadership book
God Must Be The Source Of Our Vision
Jesus Needs To Be Our Example
As you read about Jesus’ life and ministry on earth, you will see that Jesus continually did something regularly. Daily. Sometimes He would do this for hours and hours.
The reason Jesus did this regularly was His complete dependence on God The Father. Jesus became a human being when He came to earth. Jesus recognized that in order to accomplish the mission that God gave him, to redeem and save the lost, he would need to completely depend on God. And that God would have to accomplish His kingdom work and mission through Jesus.
God Is Always Working In The World
Jesus teaches us that it was not Jesus accomplishing God’s work and mission by himself. But rather it was God accomplishing it through Jesus. For this to happen Jesus shows us that we must have close fellowship with God and be one with Him. One with God means that you need to fully surrender all to God, and follow God’s will and desires and not your own.
In John 5:17 Jesus says “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.” This shows that God is actively working in the world. And it is just as true today as it was when Jesus was here on earth.
God Must Be The Source Of Our Vision
Jesus Could Do Nothing By Himself
Jesus could not accomplish God’s work and mission by himself. He was fully human, and thus not capable of doing the supernatural works and mission of God.
He even told his disciples this in John chapter 5. Jesus had to completely depend on God in order to fulfill the work and mission that God sent Him to do.
“Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself. He can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.” – John 15:19
Jesus said he could do nothing by himself. If Jesus said this about himself, how much more true is it for us ? We need to completely depend on God to accomplish anything for His kingdom. Because we cannot do anything by ourselves. Jesus told us this in John 15:5 “Apart from Me you can do nothing.”
When Jesus said in John 5:19 “He can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.” Jesus shows that it is through his close fellowship with God that God reveals to him what God was doing. So Jesus could join God in what He was doing.
In Part 2 we will continue to see how God was able to accomplish His mighty works and His kingdom work through Jesus. And how God needs to reveal His vision in order for us to know how to be able to join God in His work. And so that God can do His mighty works through us.
Pursuing Intimacy With God
Pursuing Intimacy With God is committed to helping you with the most important thing in your life… your intimacy with God , your fellowship with Him, and your partnership with God in His Kingdom work & mission.
There is much more information on Intimacy With God, Prayer, Praise & Worship, Hearing God’s Voice,… and hundreds of great Biblical truths and promises in the Pursuing Intimacy With God Bible studies.
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