A Life Changed By Jesus Christ
A Life Changed By Jesus Christ
We have been missionaries now for more than 15 years. One of the great things about serving God full time in missions are the many opportunities to personally see and experience Him at work. God is always at His work according to Jesus in John 5:17. And when we, like Jesus, actively join God in His kingdom work and mission, we will personally see Him do great things in the lives and hearts of others.
We started as self funded missionaries in 2006 in Sao Paulo Brazil. God called us to help & train churches to share the Gospel & reach lost people, and to make disciples. We also share the Gospel in evangelistic events in communities and in public schools.
An Example Of A Life Changed by Jesus Christ
In March 2009 we spoke in a vary large school in the Parque Boa Esperanca area of Sao Paulo. We worked with Igreja Batista Pq. Boa Esperenca in the school, and it was a great week. During the week there were various people from the church with us in the school. The church is located close to the school, and we try to get the churches to continue to help the families in the school.
One of the people from the church that helped us was Antonio. Antonio is a retired policeman living in the bairro of Pq. Boa Esperanca, which is a poor area in the far East Zone of Sao Paulo. We met him when we were speaking on Tuesday and Wednesday nights at the school. Like many poor areas and favelas (slums), Pq. Boa Esperanca has many problems with violence, drugs, and crime.
Finding True Joy, Peace, And Hope
Antonio worked for many years as a policemen in the Pq. Boa Esperanca area. Last year through the ministry of Igreja Batista Pq. Boa Esperanca Antonio accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Jesus has totally changed his life for the better. Antonio told me that he had always lived in fear when he was a policeman. Even after he retired from the police he always lived in fear. Because of the violence, drugs, and crime in his neighborhood, being a policeman or ex-policeman can be very dangerous.
Antonio told me that since he accepted Christ in early 2008 he no longer lives in fear. And he has found true joy and peace and hope in Christ.
Living To Help Others
Now Antonio is an active member of Igreja Batista Pq. Boa Esperanca, living to help others. He is always involved in the church’s projects and events to reach out to others in the community. And he is always sharing God’s love and the message of hope and salvation through Jesus Christ.

It never gets old seeing God do His mighty work. And God invites & commands all of His people to actively participate in His kingdom work and mission (see Matthew 4:19 and Matthew 28:19-20). We encourage you to actively join God in His work and mission of reaching the lost and making disciples.
Pursuing Intimacy With God
Pursuing Intimacy With God is committed to helping you with the most important thing in your life… your intimacy with God , your fellowship with Him, and your partnership with God in His Kingdom work & mission.
There is much more information on Intimacy With God, Prayer, Praise & Worship, Hearing God’s Voice,… and hundreds of great Biblical truths and promises in the Pursuing Intimacy With God Bible studies.
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Religion vs Relationship With God
Faith Is Vital to Intimacy With God
Part 2 – Faith Is Vital To Intimacy With God
Faith Is Vital To Intimacy With God Part 3
Praise God: To Place A High Value On Him
Hear God’s Voice: Vital To Have Intimacy With God
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The Kind of Christian & Church God Wants
Paul’s Passion & Commitment To Jesus
Paul’s Passion to Preach The Gospel
Inspirational Bible Verses & Quotes
Inspirational Bible Verses & Quotes Part 2
The Lord’s Prayer – Prayer In The Bible
Jesus’ Teaching On Prayer In Luke 11