Passion For Jesus Christ
Passion For Jesus Christ
A passion for Jesus Christ is a deep and abiding love that inspires you to seek a closer relationship with Him. This passion often manifests as a desire to understand His teachings, share His message, and live out His values in everyday life. It involves a commitment to prayer, worship, and community, nurturing a transformative faith that influences thoughts, actions, and relationships.
This passion for Jesus Christ can lead to a profound sense of purpose. Motivating you to serve others, spread compassion, and reflect Christ’s love in a world that yearns for hope and healing. Ultimately, a passion for Jesus ignites a lifelong journey of devotion, growth, joy, and spiritual fulfillment.
Passion for Jesus involves a deep love and commitment to Him. Passion for Jesus is characterized by enthusiasm for His teachings, and a desire to please Him and live according to His word. Passion for Jesus is demonstrated in your life through intimacy in prayer, study of God’s word, service to others, praise and worship, evangelism, and discipleship of others.
Passion For Jesus Christ
In the end times there will be a lack of love and passion for Jesus Christ. The Bible talks about how the love of most people will grow cold. There are many people that believe this is talking about unbelievers and lost people.
“Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold” – Matthew 24:12
“This waning of love refers to the dying out of the fire of a holy passion for the Lord Himself and for those for whom He gave His life. The loss of holy enthusiasm in His service and devotion. It refers not to that fleshly enthusiasm in His service and devotion that shouts and rejoices when the crowd is coming. Or works zealously when the brass band is playing and the grandstand is filled with admirers. No! No!
It is that enthusiasm that works with a quiet, untiring, unassuming earnestness and steadiness when it must plod on alone unheard and unnoticed except by the Lord. That enthusiasm that is born not of outward encouragement. Nor the applause of men, nor by what men call success, nor by the unholy desire for praise. But that which is born of an inward urge implanted by the Holy Ghost. The overflow of the passion of Christ. The waning of this love, said Jesus, will be one of the earmarks of the end-times”. – E. S. Gerig
Walking With & Serving The Lord
Walking with and serving the Lord, and seeing Him at work can be very exciting and very rewarding. Knowing that God has given you the privilege of joining Him in touching and transforming other lives is a wonderful thing. But being a servant of the Lord can also be very difficult at times. And it can be exhausting.
The spiritual warfare you experience can be overwhelming. When you are committed to joining God in His mission of sharing the Gospel and making disciples, there will be spiritual warfare. And there are times in your walk with the Lord and in your service for Him where you are in the wilderness. And you do not experience any fruitfulness or victories. This wilderness time could last for a long period of time, even years.
Passion For Jesus Christ
Passion For Jesus Christ In Good Times or Bad
There is only one thing that can keep you going through it all. Through good times or bad, through successes or failures. Passion for Jesus Christ. One would think that it would be easier to maintain passion for Jesus Christ in easier times or successful periods of our lives. But sometimes these are the times we need to be most careful in our walk with the Lord and in our service for Him.
” Beware that you do not forget the Lord your God by not keeping His commandments and His ordinances and His statutes which I am commanding you today. Otherwise, when you have eaten and are satisfied, and have built good houses and lived in them, and when your herds and your flocks multiply, and your silver and gold multiply, and all that you have multiplies, then your heart will become proud and you will forget the Lord your God…” – Deuteronomy 8:11-14
In Part 2 of this study we will look at the one thing that will get you through any and all situations.
Pursuing Intimacy With God
Pursuing Intimacy With God is committed to helping you with the most important thing in your life… your intimacy with God , your fellowship with Him, and your partnership with God in His Kingdom work & mission.
There is much more information on Intimacy With God, Prayer, Praise & Worship, Hearing God’s Voice,… and hundreds of great Biblical truths and promises in the Pursuing Intimacy With God Bible studies.
** New Expanded Edition of Pursuing Intimacy With God Bible Studies Book – 40% more material
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Religion vs Relationship With God
Faith Is Vital to Intimacy With God
Part 2 – Faith Is Vital To Intimacy With God
Faith Is Vital To Intimacy With God Part 3
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