Words Of Wisdom For Missions & Ministry
Words Of Wisdom For Missions & Ministry
“You ought to rejoice when God asks you to proceed in the work of His kingdom because you know the victory is already secured. Don’t focus on the problems and failures of others. Focus on God’s assurance of victory. If you have trouble praising God with a song in your heart as you serve Him, it may be that your focus is not on God, but on your circumstances.” – Experiencing God devotion
These are wonderful words of wisdom for anyone that is serving the Lord and joining Him in His kingdom work. They are very helpful to me. In our missions ministry we work with many churches, pastors, and people in various projects and events to share Christ and make disciples. Inevitably we work with some who lack passion for God. And they are without passion for reaching those who are without Christ.
This lack of passion for God and His kingdom work sometimes leads to letdowns and problems. If we are not careful these problems and letdowns can cause us to have a less than desirable attitude.
Words Of Wisdom For Missions & Ministry
Our School Missions Outreach Project
In our “Qualidade De Vida” (Quality Of Life) project in public schools we always work with a church located near the school. At times the participation of the church is very weak and the pastor does not even participate. There is a huge contrast, because on one hand hundreds and even thousands accept Christ at the school. You can see that God is doing a powerful work in the hearts and lives of students, teachers, and school leaders. And yet there is the disappointing performance of the pastor and the church at the same time.
We have had many awesome outreach events in schools so far. In 15 years of missions ministry we have done our project in almost 400 schools in 27 countries. A great number of students, teachers, leaders, and even family members have accepted Christ and committed their lives to Him.
At times the participation of the church we worked with was weak. Or non existent. We ask the churches to send 4 or more people to help us each day of the event. Sometimes the church sends only 1 person, and other times no one shows up. And sometimes the pastors do not participate.
Words Of Wisdom For Missions & Ministry – Pastors & Leaders Should Lead By Example
Personally I feel that the pastor needs to lead by example and participate, especially in evangelism and missions. Reaching lost people and having a reconciled relationship with lost people is one of God’s top priorities. As is the next part of God’s missions work, making disciples of the new believers. If it is God’s top priority, then it needs to be our top priority also. (See Matthew 6:33 – “Seek FIRST…”).
Typically if the pastor and the church does not have good participation in these school outreach projects, then there will be little if any effort to do the important follow-up work. The very important work of helping and teaching the new believers to grow. The vital work of making disciples. Many times God has opened doors at the schools for the church to be able to do the follow-up and discipleship. But too many times the pastor and the church did nothing.
Words Of Wisdom For Missions & Ministry – We Need To Focus On God & His Promises
At times the occasional poor participation of the churches is very bothersome to me. In addition, there is often a lot of spiritual warfare going on. If I let it, my focus can be moved to these bothersome circumstances and disappointments. And my focus turns away from God and His assurance of victory.
Rather than having an attitude and spirit of praise and anticipation, I end up with a heavy heart and a spirit of frustration. For me and for others, the words of wisdom for missions and ministry at the beginning of this article are very helpful and wise words from the Experiencing God devotion.
Let us keep our focus on God and on His great promises and assurances of victory. In Part 2 of Words Of Wisdom For Missions And Ministry we will talk about some of God’s great promises for His kingdom work and mission of reaching the lost and making disciples.
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