The Harvest Is Great, But The Workers Are Few
The Harvest Is Great, But The Workers Are Few
The Harvest is Great is a biblical phrase found in the Gospel of Matthew (9:37) and refers to the plentiful opportunities for Kingdom work, evangelism, and missions. In the context of Jesus’ teachings, it emphasizes that there are many people in need of salvation and guidance, but there are few workers or laborers to meet this need.
The phrase often serves as a call to action for believers to share their faith and serve others. Highlighting the urgency and importance of spreading the Gospel and teachings of Jesus.
The Harvest Is Great…
As we saw in Part 1 of our Bible study on The Harvest Is Great, a great number of people are ready and willing to listen to the Gospel. There are many more than most people think there are. They are waiting for someone tell them about God’s love and salvation through Jesus.
They are waiting for someone to tell them how they can have peace with God, and a restored relationship with God. And eternal life in heaven with God. They desire to have these things, thanks to the Holy Spirit’s work in their hearts, but they do not know how to have them.
Jesus’ words in Matthew 9:37 are still very true today. “The harvest is great (or plentiful)…”
The Harvest Is Great…
… But The Workers Are Few
The harvest is great, but the workers are few. This verse holds a great truth, even today, that the spiritual harvest is great or plentiful. But it also holds a very sad truth also. But the workers are few.
These words are unfortunately very true today also. Far too few Christians are actively sharing Jesus with others in their daily lives. And actively participating in God’s work and mission of reaching the lost and making disciples.
Research shows that less than 2% of Christians today are sharing Jesus with others in their daily lives. Jesus commanded all of His followers in Matthew 4:19 to “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” But a very small percentage of Christians today are obeying Jesus’ command.
Most Christians Today Are Totally Missing What God Is Doing In The World
As Jesus said in John 5:17, God is always at His work. And because Jesus was fully devoted to The Father, He too was actively involved in God’s work and mission.
Most Christians today are completely missing God’s activity in the hearts and lives of the people all around them. In most churches maybe the pastor(s) and some leaders, and a small group of church members are actively sharing Christ with others. In many churches even these are not doing God’s work. Many churches have their own work and mission, and it is very different than the one shown in the Bible. Many are oblivious to the great harvest that is all around them.
A Shortage Of Fishers of Men And Disciple Makers
There is a great shortage of workers that faithfully share the Gospel with others in their daily lives. And there is also a shortage of workers who are willing to do the important follow up work that is necessary to help new believers to grow in their relationship with Jesus. And to disciple them to become faithful & fruitful servants of Jesus.
Sadly many are too busy pursuing their own interests. Or doing church things instead of doing the things that are most important to God. To reach lost people with the love and Good News of Jesus Christ. And then to work hard and invest their lives to help them become faithful disciples and servants of Jesus.
Paul wrote about these types of people in the churches that are not actively involved in God’s kingdom work and mission. “But I hope, in the Lord Jesus, to send Timothy to you shortly, so that I also may be encouraged when I learn of your condition. For I have no one else of kindred spirit who will genuinely be concerned for your welfare. 21 For they all seek after their own interests, not those of Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 2:19-21
Too Many People & Churches Pursue Their Own Interests And Mission
In Philippians 2:19-21 Paul is writing about people in the churches, not unbelievers. It is human nature to pursue our own interests and desires, and not those of Jesus. But being a Christian is all about being changed and transformed by the love and grace of Christ.
Our human nature ought to be transformed so that we are more and more like Jesus. And so that we are more like Him in our faithfulness and devotion to God, and to His kingdom work and mission.
May God touch and change our hearts, so we will be more like Jesus.
The Harvest Is Great, But The Workers Are Few
God Is At Work All Around The World & More Need To Join Him
In our missions ministry we have had the privilege of serving in Brazil. And we have also had 43 mission trips to 28 countries. We have seen again and again Jesus’ words in Matthew 9:37 come alive before our eyes. That the harvest truly is great.
God has prepared a great harvest in the world. Especially in certain parts of the world. Many many people are seeking for God, and they know they need Him in their lives. They are ready, and they are waiting for us to tell them about God’s love and Jesus. I pray that God will touch and convict and break more Christians’ hearts, and that He will send more workers into the harvest.
Pursuing Intimacy With God
Pursuing Intimacy With God is committed to helping you with the most important thing in your life… your intimacy with God , your fellowship with Him, and your partnership with God in His Kingdom work & mission.
There is much more information on Intimacy With God, Prayer, Praise & Worship, Hearing God’s Voice,… and hundreds of great Biblical truths and promises in the Pursuing Intimacy With God Bible studies.
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