The Spiritual Harvest Is Great, But…
The Spiritual Harvest Is Great…
The Harvest is Great is a biblical phrase found in the Gospel of Matthew (9:37) and refers to the plentiful opportunities for Kingdom work, evangelism, and missions. In the context of Jesus’ teachings, it emphasizes that there are many people in need of salvation and guidance, but there are few workers or laborers to meet this need.
The phrase often serves as a call to action for believers to share their faith and serve others. Highlighting the urgency and importance of spreading the Gospel and teachings of Jesus.
The Spiritual Harvest Is Great…
Usually when people think of the word harvest, they think of plants and crops. Or vegetables and fruits.
Jesus talked about a harvest in several places in the Bible. But He was not talking about crops, or vegetables and fruits.
In Matthew 9:37 Jesus said “The harvest is plentiful (or great)…”
He was talking about a spiritual harvest. First I want you to think of the word harvest. It does not mean the time when you prepare the soil for crops. And it does not mean when you plant the seeds in the soil.
The harvest also does not mean when the plants are starting to grow, and you water or feed them. No the harvest is when the plants are ready to be harvested. It is when the plant or vegetables or fruit are ready to be picked or harvested.
More Words From Jesus About the Spiritual Harvest
In John 4:35 Jesus said “Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest’ ? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white.”
Once again Jesus is referring to a spiritual harvest that is ready to be harvested. In John 4:36 Jesus says “Already he who reaps is receiving wages and is gathering fruit for eternal life. So that he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together.”
Jesus clarifies in John 4:36 that He is talking about a spiritual harvest, and not one of crops. It is interesting to see how Jesus talks about people that sow, and people that reap the harvest. In a spiritual harvest, some people sow the seed of the Gospel. And others that reap are the ones that are the people to finish the process of leading someone to repent from their sins, place their faith in Jesus, and receive Him as their Lord and Savior.
The spiritual harvest Jesus is talking about is one of souls being ready for salvation. There are many people in the world that God has been actively pursuing in His love. He is trying to bring them to a restored relationship with Him, salvation, and to have eternal life with Him later.
The Spiritual Harvest Is Great…
God Is Always At His Work In The World
One of the sad things to see in modern day Christianity is how the vast majority of believers are totally missing seeing God do His mighty work. God is always at work in your local area, in your country, and around the world. There are places in the world where God is amazingly at work doing incredible things. This is because of the humility of the people and their fully acknowledging that they need God. In certain places we have seen, especially in Africa, there is a huge hunger for God in many people.
Jesus said this Himself in John chapter 5. Jesus said in John 5:17 “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.” The work Jesus is talking about is God’s kingdom work and mission. Which is trying to reach out to and share the Gospel with as many people as possible. And then once people receive the gift of salvation, the work moves to making disciples and helping them to grow closer to Jesus and more like Him.
Out of Love & Devotion For God, Jesus Always Joined God In His Work
Jesus of course was and still is perfectly faithful in His relationship with God the Father. His perfect devotion to God is summed up in His prayer before He suffered greatly and died on the cross.
“Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done.” – Luke 22:42
Because of Jesus’ great love and devotion for God, He had a perfect relationship with God the Father. And was in perfect unity and was perfectly one with God. Because of His devotion and close fellowship with the Father, Jesus always knew what God was doing in His kingdom work and mission. Jesus talks about this in John chapter 5:
“For the Father loves the Son and shows him all he does. Yes, and he will show him even greater works than these, so that you will be amazed.” – John 5:20-21
The Spiritual Harvest Is Great…
The harvest is plentiful. These words spoken by Jesus are still very true here in Brazil, and in other parts of the world. God has prepared many hearts here, and many are ready for someone to tell them the Good News of Jesus Christ.
God has gone ahead of his people, and has done the work of preparing and opening hearts. He normally does the preparation work through His Holy Spirit, and through faithful servants. Faithful people who pray for the lost. And faithful people who show God’s love to them. And faithful people who share the Gospel with them, even though they may not accept Christ at the time.
A Great Number Of People Are Ready To Hear The Gospel
Many of us do not really believe that God is mightily at work today. Our perception or opinion is that most people do not want to hear about Jesus these days. So many Christians today do not even bother to try to share Jesus with them. I can tell you that Jesus words in John 5:17 about how God is always at His work is still true today. And I can attest to the fact that the harvest is truly great today, as it was when Jesus lived in this world.
A great number of people are ready and willing to listen to someone tell them about God’s love and salvation through Jesus. They are waiting for someone to tell them how they can have peace with God, and a restored relationship with Him. And eternal life in heaven with God. They desire to have these things, thanks to the Holy Spirit’s work in their hearts, but they do not know how to have them.
They need someone to love them enough to tell them about Jesus and the Gospel.
In Part 2 we will continue to look at Jesus’ great truth in Matthew 9:37 about the harvest. And we will look at a very sad truth in the same verse.
Pursuing Intimacy With God
Pursuing Intimacy With God is committed to helping you with the most important thing in your life… your intimacy with God , your fellowship with Him, and your partnership with God in His Kingdom work & mission.
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