How To Be A Fruitful & Victorious Christian
How To Be A Fruitful & Victorious Christian
What is the key to being a fruitful & victorious Christian ? The kind of Christian/Christ follower that God wants you to be.
In this 2 part Bible study we will look into the one key thing that is required to be the fruitful and victorious Christian that God wants you to be. The type of faithful servant that God can use greatly. That is what God has created you to be.
How to Be A Fruitful & Victorious Christian
The One Key Thing To Be A Fruitful & Victorious Christian
What would you say is the single most important requirement to be a fruitful & victorious Christian and follower of Christ ? The “one key thing” that will make the difference in your life and service for the Lord. The key thing that will produce greater fruit and more victories in your life ?
Is it Education ? Getting a theological master’s degree or PHD ? Training ? Experience ? Zeal ? Trying your very best for the Lord ? A great social media campaign ? More prayer support ?
Are These Things “The” Most Important Thing ?
All of the things above can be very helpful and are important. Education and training are certainly important and useful in producing spiritual servants and leaders that God can use. And experience can certainly help in the development of godly servants.
Zeal and passion are important elements also, as long as the they are directed at the right thing or person. Zeal and passion are good things, but they can be pointed at the wrong things. Religious zeal and passion can actually turn people into enemies of God.
The people that Jesus spoke most harshly with were the religious leaders of the time. They were not zealous or passionate for God, and they certainly were not for Jesus. They ended up killing Jesus because they were not zealous for the right things. Their zeal and passion were for religious things and traditions. And their motives were purely self centered and selfish.
“The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses; therefore all that they tell you, do and observe, but do not do according to their deeds. For they say things and do not do them. But they do all their deeds to be noticed by men. They love the place of honor at banquets and the chief seats in the synagogues…” – Matthew 23:2-6
We will continue to look at the one key to be a fruitful & victorious Christian next week in Part 2.
Pursuing Intimacy With God
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