The Great Works Of The Lord God
The Great Works Of The Lord God
The “Great Works of the Lord” refers to the extraordinary acts of power, wisdom, and mercy that God has performed throughout history, as recorded in the Bible. These works include the creation of the world, the deliverance of Israel from slavery in Egypt, the provision of manna in the wilderness, the miracles of Jesus, and the resurrection…
The “great works” also encompass God’s faithfulness in fulfilling His promises, His acts of judgment and salvation, and His continual involvement in the lives of His people. These acts are seen as demonstrations of God’s holiness, great power, glory, love, and sovereignty, inspiring awe and reverence among believers.
“Come and see the works of the Lord… Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth.” – Psalm 46:8-10
God is the Living God, and He is mightily at work in the world today. He is mightily at work, touching many hearts and lives. God is pursuing a reconciled personal relationship with all people in the world. He is the same now as He was in the days when He did the miraculous works that are written about in the Bible.
The Great Works Of The Lord
God Is Still Mightily At Work In The World Today
In John chapter 5 Jesus said that God is always at work. And Jesus said that He too was at work, joining God in what He was doing. Jesus’ words still hold true today. God is still mightily at work today. He is still at work doing His kingdom work of reaching out to and saving lost sinners in all of the world. And He is still at work making true and faithful disciples to follow and serve Him in His kingdom work.
“My Father is working until now, and I Myself am working.” – John 5:17
“Therefore Jesus answered and was saying to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner. For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him all things that He Himself is doing; and the Father will show Him greater works than these, so that you will marvel.” – John 5:19-20
Jesus said something else extraordinary in John 5:19-20. He said that He could not do anything on His own, without His Father God. Through Jesus’ intimate relationship with His Father, and because of His absolute surrender & obedience, God revealed to Jesus “all things that He Himself (God) is doing.
God Wants To Accomplish His Kingdom Work Through You & The Church
“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.” – John 14:12
When Jesus was here on earth, His ministry was only for 3 years. After His death on the cross and His resurrection, who would continue to do God’s Kingdom work ? God’s plan was for His followers and the church to continue His work and mission in the world.
In John 14:12 Jesus said something incredible. Jesus said that anyone who believes in Him will do the works that He did during His time on earth. And He is saying that these “anyones” would even greater works than these. This verse is a great truth and promise. And it is a verse that should test our faith in Jesus and if we really believe the things He says and promises.
The Great Works Of The Lord
Is Anything Too Hard For God ?
“Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for Me ?” – Jeremiah 32:27
God asks a question in Jeremiah 32:27. Is there anything too hard for Him ? Jeremiah 32:17 has the obvious answer.
“Ah Lord God! Behold, You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm ! Nothing is too difficult for You.” – Jeremiah 32:17
Absolutely nothing is too hard for God. And nothing is impossible for the Living God who is Almighty and All Powerful. He has total power and authority over our spiritual enemy and over all things (see Luke 10:19 and Matthew 28:18).
In Part 2 of this series on The Great Works Of The Lord God we will look further into how God is still mightily at work in the world today. God is still performing the great works of the Lord God, and He wants you to join Him.
Pursuing Intimacy With God
Pursuing Intimacy With God is committed to helping you with the most important thing in your life… your intimacy with God , your fellowship with Him, and your partnership with God in His Kingdom work & mission.
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