Missions in Brazil – New Ministry Assignment
Missions in Brazil – A New Ministry Assignment
We have been missionaries since 2005. God had been speaking to us and leading us since early 2004 to prepare for a new assignment. God clearly showed us that He wanted us to sell my business, which I had for 23+ years, and to serve Him with our own funds. It took a year and a half to discover what God wanted us to do, when, how, and where. We had a totally different idea in mind of what it could be.
After much prayer and seeking God and His will, He finally revealed what He wanted us to do while we were on a mission trip to Sao Paulo Brazil. Prior to this we had no thoughts about getting into full time missions, or about missions in Brazil. But God clearly spoke to us that Brazil is where we would serve Him. And He clearly gave us a vision of how He wanted us to serve Him there.
After this we prayed for God to confirm His calling and will, and He did. In various ways. It took about 15 months from that time until we moved to Sao Paulo Brazil in 2006. We had to get our permanent visa, which took a long time. And we had to sell my business, our house, furniture… In that time God provided everything we needed, including Portuguese language training. Our church in Marietta Georgia had a Brazilian church also, and a Brazilian woman had started a Portuguese class 1 month before God called us to missions in Brazil.
Surprises From God
God has been full of surprises since we have been on this missions adventure with Him. God’s call to be self funded missionaries in Brazil was a huge surprise. Then 3 years later God surprised us again and led us to move from Sao Paulo to Santos Brazil in 2009.
Another surprise came 4 1/2 years later when God led us to stop serving in missions in Brazil and move from Brazil to Florida. This was to begin a new phase of our mission ministry. The new ministry assignment was to travel to many different countries to help and train churches to fulfill the Great Commission, and to share the Gospel in schools and other community events and places.
We also tried to preach in and help & train American churches in Florida in the same way, but there was not much interest at all. Then 4+ years later God surprised us again and led us to move to northeast Tennessee. We continued to go on many mission trips to different countries. And we also continued to try to help & train American churches in Tennessee.
Very Little Interest in Evangelism & Mission Help And Training
Between 4+ years in South Florida and 2 years in Tennessee, we have seen very little interest in churches for our preaching, help, or training for evangelism and missions. While the interest level has been very high in Brazil and other countries (we have been to 28 countries), there has been virtually no interest here in the US. The average interest level in other countries has been between 80 to 85%. We have been able to help &/or train only 3 of the 51 American churches we have contacted. This is a paltry 6% interest level. Needless to say this has been difficult to see and experience.
There are various reasons for what we have experienced in the US churches. Some did not want our help or the excellent training we offer because they do not know us. Some do not feel that they need any help. But the main reason is that the vast majority of US churches these days are not doing much of any evangelism or missions, if any at all.
On top of this, sadly we are not able to do our Quality Of Life project in schools in the US to share the Gospel. Even though the need for Jesus is great, the schools in the US are totally closed. There hasn’t even been any interest in the private Christian schools we contacted. Schools in many other countries are very open to our Gospel project, and are also very appreciative when you come to share in their schools.
Another Surprise And New Ministry Assignment
Now comes God’s latest surprise. He has clearly called and led us to return and serve once again in missions in Brazil. We will be moving to Indaiatuba Brazil to serve in that region. We lived a couple of hours from there when we lived in Sao Paulo. In 2015 we had a mission trip to the city of Campinas, which is about 30 minutes from Indaiatuba. Other than that we have not served in this particular region.
Lord willing we will be getting our permanent visa for retired persons in August. Then in September we will go for 2 weeks to find a house, and hopefully open a bank account, and prepare for our move. We are scheduled to move on October 13.
Brazil Missions Ministry – sharing Christ and making disciples
Please Pray For Us
We would very much appreciate your prayers. Here are some ways you can pray for us:
- We always need prayer for God to fight the spiritual battles for us. We experience a great deal of spiritual warfare, because we are sharing the Gospel with many people, and we are trying to raise up other faithful witnesses and missionaries
- Please pray that God will go ahead of us and open doors of opportunity for ministry and to share the Gospel in churches, schools, and other community events and places
- Please pray that our residence visa will go through in August
- Pray that the churches will have a willing & obedient heart to do the important followup and discipleship work after our school outreach projects
- Please pray for God’s protection from the enemy, from diseases & sickness, from robberies…
We very much need and really appreciate your prayers.
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