Missions Stories: Spiritual Warfare & A Witch Doctor
Missions Stories : Spiritual Warfare
The missions stories articles will be about our experiences serving God as full time missionaries. Some of these missions stories will be about how God used unusual circumstances to fulfill His mission work. Some of the other missions stories in the future will be about a variety things. It could be how God divinely protected us in a dangerous situation. Or it could be about some of the great and amazing things that we have seen God do. I may even occasionally include an experience that was not a positive one. As missionaries engaged in taking the Gospel to as many people in the world as possible, we unfortunately run into a good amount of difficulties and spiritual warfare. Today is one such story.
Our Missions Ministry
God called us into full time missions ministry when we were on a mission trip to Sao Paulo Brazil with our church in 2005. God called us to sell my business and everything to serve Him in full time missions, and to be independent and self funded. We started living and serving as missionaries in Sao Paulo Brazil in 2006. We were there for 3 years and then in a different city called Santos for another 4 1/2 years. After that God led us to move to the US and to have mission trips to many different places and countries around the world starting in 2014. To date we have had 43 mission trips to 28 different countries, and we have many missions stories.
Missions Stories : Spiritual Warfare On Our Mission Trip to Kisii Kenya
In September 2016 we went on mission trip to Nairobi Kenya. We were there for a week and had a very fruitful trip. After that week we went to Kisii County in the western part of Kenya. We stayed in the city of Kisii, but most of our mission work was in the rural parts of the county.
You see and experience many different things in the rural parts of Africa. There is a lot of spiritual warfare, as the enemy has many strongholds in these areas. There is a lot of witchcraft, and a mix of conventional religions with spiritually dark practices and traditions.
Spiritual Warfare & Many Difficulties
On our mission trip to Kisii Kenya we experienced a variety of difficulties and spiritual warfare. We were supposed to go to Uganda for a missions week, but 10 days before our trip the church pastor there cancelled on us. We had to scramble to find another alternative, and God opened the door to Kisii.
Another of the difficulties we had was with the church we partnered with. We sensed that the pastor and one of the leaders were more interested in getting us to be a financial sponsor for their church than spreading the Gospel.
We also had a difficult time with the hotel where we stayed. It was located in the city of Kisii, and it was in the city center. It turned out to be a very loud area and it was difficult to get any sleep. We ate in the hotel restaurant for the first several days, and the food was not very good. The worst of it was that they tried to overcharge us every time we ate there. And they charged us for things we did not order. Eventually we starting going to other places to eat.
Missions Stories : Spiritual Warfare And A Witch Doctor
One of the strangest experiences we have ever had on a mission trip took place on our trip to Kisii. During the week we spoke in and share Christ in many schools in the county. On a Saturday we spoke in several orphanages, and one of them was run by a 7th Day Adventist church. Since it was Saturday, they had their worship service at the church. We were invited to speak to the children of the orphanage and everyone in the church during their service. There were 70 orphans there plus approximately 125 adults in the church.
The pastor had also invited a man to speak before us. He was a witch doctor in the past and then supposedly became a pastor. I say supposedly because his message was gibberish. There were small parts of some Bible verses in his message, but it was a message you would speak to 3 year olds.
Besides his message, there was something else about him that was off. I sensed something very wrong about this man. He was supposed to speak for 20 minutes, and then we were supposed to do our message that we do in schools to share the Gospel. The man went on and on and on… It became obvious that he kept speaking on and on so he could prevent us from sharing the Gospel. At one point I left the service and went out to pray for God to intervene so we could share the Gospel. He ended up speaking over an hour, and we thought we would not get to share.
Sharing The Gospel In The Church
Eventually the witch doctor stopped talking, and the church pastor graciously allowed us to speak. We shared our message and the Gospel, and the Holy Spirit moved in a powerful way there. Many of the orphans and about 80 of the adults in the church repented of their sins and put their faith in Christ. Despite the spiritual warfare and an obvious attempt to prevent us from sharing, God moved in a great way and many were saved.

Victories And Spiritual Fruit
Despite the many difficulties we had during our week in Kisii County Kenya, we saw God do many great things. God opened doors in various orphanages and many schools. We spoke in 5 orphanages and 9 schools during our week there. A great number of students and teachers and leaders repented and trusted Christ as their Lord and Savior. It ended up being a very difficult week, but also a very fruitful one.

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