Quality Of Life School Evangelism Project
Quality of Life School Evangelism Project
The Quality of Life school evangelism project is part of the vision that God gave us when He called us to be missionaries. Since 2005 we have worked with churches and ministries to share the Gospel with as many people as possible, and to make disciples. We have utilized many different strategies and types of outreach events to help churches to reach lost people. We also have led many missions & evangelism training seminars for churches to equip them to powerfully share the Gospel.
Nancy and I started the Quality of Life school evangelism project in 2005 while we were missionaries in Brazil. At the end of 2013 God led us to move back to the US. In 2014 we started having up to 10 mission trips each year to many different countries. By God’s grace we have led the Quality of Life school evangelism project in 27 different countries.
To date we have spoken and shared Christ in 412 schools. We always work with a local church or ministry in the area where we are speaking in schools. Our goal is to have partners that will effectively do the important follow up and discipleship & teaching of the new believers.
Of the many strategies that we have used to help churches to share the Gospel in their local communities, the Quality of Life project has been very effective. When done right, with a good partner to do follow up and continuous discipleship, the Quality of Life school evangelism project is by far the most effective strategy that we have utilized to reach lost people and make an impact.
Quality Of Life School Evangelism
The Quality of Life School Evangelism Project
We have a passion to reach students, teachers, and families for Christ. And to help them to have a better quality of life and a good future. We have a special message for students from first grade through high school, university students, and also adults that are finishing their education at night. We also have another speech for parents meetings at schools, to help parents and families as well.
Nancy and I have had the privilege of speaking in 412 schools in 27 countries. God is blessing and using this project to touch and save & transform many hearts and lives all around the world. We talk to students and teachers in schools to help them have a better quality of life and a good future. And we talk about how to have a restored personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We give a clear and direct presentation of the Gospel. Our message incorporates three important parts of our lives: Body, Soul, and Spirit.
To have a better life, a life of high quality, it is important that we take good care of our bodies. Unfortunately more and more students and teenagers are using drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and doing other harmful things to their bodies. Many students are not taking care of their bodies. Drugs and alcohol and other things are the reason that many students have had physical, emotional and mental problems. These things contribute to having a poor quality of life. It is important that students know that they are valuable and special, and that their lives are important. When students understand that they are important, valuable and precious, many of them will take care of their bodies and lives in a better way.
The soul includes the various parts – the mind and thoughts, our personality, emotions & feelings, and our goals and dreams. The soul is an important part of our lives, and it is important that we learn to take care of our souls. During the speech we encourage students to read and study a lot, and to learn as much as they can. We also encourage them to get the best education they can get, because education is the key to having a good future and a good quality of life.
And we encourage students to think a lot about their futures, and then to make and goals for their lives. Then they will need to study and work hard to reach their goals and dreams. We also share about how God has a special plan for all of their lives, and that with God’s plan and with His help, they can have a lot of hope for the future.
The spirit is the most important part to have a better life, a life with great quality. When we die our body and our soul will live no more, but our spirit will live forever. When many people hear the word “spirit” they think about religion, or church, or denominations, or other similar things. We talk about how our spiritual life is very important to have a better life, and that a spiritual life really means a personal relationship with God.
We encourage students and teachers to know God personally, and we tell them that God loves them very much and they are very special and precious to Him. And we tell them how to have a restored personal relationship with God, and peace and eternal life with Him through Jesus Christ. We share a detailed and direct presentation of the Gospel. And a detailed description of what it means to accept Christ and have Him as your Lord and Savior (by Repenting and Believing – Mark 1:14-15, and Receiving Christ/Committing their life to Him – John 1:12). Then we give an opportunity for the students and teachers to pray to accept Christ and commit their lives to Him.
We also speak about their need to have a good church that teaches the Bible and about Jesus Christ, to help them to grow in their new relationship with Jesus. And to discover God’s wonderful plan for their lives.
Please pray for us as share the Gospel at schools, in community events, and person-to-person. And please pray for the students, teachers, school leaders, people, and families that we are trying to reach for Christ.
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