Missions Stories: God Used An Earthquake
Missions Stories
I am beginning a new series of articles that will be posted every once in awhile. These articles will be about our experiences serving God as full time missionaries. Some of these missions stories will be about how God used unusual circumstances to fulfill His mission work. Today’s story is one of these types of missions stories.
Some of the other missions stories in the future will be about a variety things. It could be how God divinely protected us in a dangerous situation. Or it could be about some of the great and amazing things that we have seen God do. I may even occasionally include an experience that was not a positive one. As missionaries engaged in taking the Gospel to as many people in the world as possible, we unfortunately run into a good amount of difficulties and spiritual warfare.
Our Missions Ministry
God called us into full time missions ministry when we were on a mission trip to Sao Paulo Brazil with our church in 2005. God called us to sell my business and everything to serve Him in full time missions, and to be independent and self funded. We started living and serving as missionaries in Sao Paulo Brazil in 2006. We were there for 3 years and then in a different city called Santos for another 4 1/2 years. After that God led us to move to the US and to have mission trips to many different places and countries around the world starting in 2014. To date we have had 43 mission trips to 28 different countries, and we have many missions stories.
Mission Trips to Nicaragua
Today’s missions story will take us to Nicaragua. We have been on 2 mission trips to Nicarugua, one in 2016 and another in 2017. On our first trip to Nicaragua we worked with Calvary Chapel in Managua. We led several missions & evangelism training sessions in various cities and regions in Nicaragua, and I also preached in some churches.
During the weekdays we focused on doing our Quality Of Life school evangelism project in public schools in and around Managua. Managua is the capital city of Nicaragua. Pastor Cal of Calvary Chapel arranged for us to visit many schools in and around Managua to share the Gospel, which is what we hope for and want.
Missions Stories: Divine Intervention in Nicaragua
One morning we were talking to the director (principal) of a public school in Managua, before we started our evangelism project. He was being very adamant that we could only speak in 2 classes, and he did not want us to talk to any others in the school. We want to talk to all of the students and teachers in a school, so we can share Christ with everyone. I tried to persuade him for 20 minutes to let us speak to everyone in the school, but he would not budge.
So we were disappointed, but we went and spoke to the 2 classes and shared the Gospel with the students and teachers. God moved in a powerful way in the 2 classes, and it went very well. Near the end of our time in the 2nd class we noticed that all of the students and teachers all got up and went outside, as did everyone in the whole school. We had not noticed that some type of alarm or signal had sounded right before that happened.
God Used An Earthquake to Open A Door to Share the Gospel
When we went outside into the courtyard of the school, everyone was gathered there. We asked what was happening, and someone told us that there was an earthquake and it is standard practice to leave the school building immediately. We had not felt anything, and were unaware that there was an earthquake. Apparently earthquakes are fairly common in Nicaragua.
As we were waiting to see what was going to happen, I prayed and asked God to give us favor and somehow give us an opportunity to share the Gospel with everyone in the school. I started to tell Pastor Cal that it would be great if somehow we could get the opportunity to speak to everyone in the courtyard, and just then the school director came up to us. He said that since everyone was there in the courtyard, and since everyone seemed to like our message in the 2 classes, that we could go ahead and share with everyone there.
God had intervened and used the earthquake to open the door for us to share the Gospel to everyone.
Sharing The Gospel To Everyone In The School
Nancy shared the first 2 parts of our Quality Of Life message, and then I shared the Gospel in the final part. The Holy Spirit moved in a very powerful way. Hundreds of the students and teachers repented and received Christ as their Lord and Savior. They also committed their life to Him. God turned a frustrating and disappointing circumstance into a great victory. For His glory and name sake.
After we finished our project and we were still in the courtyard, there was another earthquake. This time we all felt it, as it was stronger than the first earthquake.

It is always a great privilege and blessing to be allowed to be a part of what God is doing in the world.
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