Jesus Wants To Be Your First Love, Treasure, &…
Jesus Wants To Be Your First Love, Treasure, & Passion
Is Jesus your First Love ? Do you love Jesus more than anyone else and anything else ? More than yourself ? You are God’s first love. God loves you more than anything else that He created. Now He wants you to love Him that way. God wants to be your First Love. That is what having a personal relationship and close fellowship with God is all about.
Is Jesus your Treasure ? Do you treasure and value Jesus more than anything or anyone else ? You are God’s treasure. He treasures and values you more than anything else that He created. And now God wants you to treasure and value Him more than anything or anyone else. He wants to be your Treasure.
Is Jesus your Passion ? Are you more passionate about Jesus and your relationship with Him than anything else ? God is passionate about you. And about having close fellowship with you. Now He wants you to be more passionate about Him than anything or anyone else.
Jesus wants to be your First Love, Treasure, & Passion. And He deserves to be. Jesus loves you more than anyone else can. And He loves you just as you are, without conditions or limits. And Jesus suffered terribly and died a horrible death to pay for your sins and take your punishment away. So that you can have a restored relationship with God and a growing fellowship with Him.
Jesus Wants To Be Your First Love, Treasure, & Passion
Do You Have Any Idols ?
If you love anything or anyone else more than Jesus, then you have an idol(s). Do you treasure anyone or anything else more than Jesus ? If so then you have an idol(s). If you are more passionate about something or someone else than Jesus, then you have an idol(s).
Before you decide that you do not have any idols in your life, you need God to examine your heart. You also need to honestly look into your heart and ask the questions in the sections that follow.
Jesus Wants To Be Your First Love, Treasure, & Passion
Is Jesus your First Love ?
Do you have any idols in your life ? Do you love anything more than Jesus. Or do you treasure anything more than Jesus ? Or are you more passionate about something than Jesus ?
It is human nature to have idols. We typically tend to go after the things or people that we can see and touch. The tangible things in life. For many to have a close relationship with God is difficult because they cannot see Him.
To determine if you have any idols in your life, answer the questions in the following sections. Honestly.
Is Jesus Your Treasure ?
What do you treasure and value and desire most ?
Matthew 6:21 – “for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Whatever or whoever you value and treasure most, that is where your heart will be. And your devotion, your love, and your passion. Jesus wants to be your Treasure, since He treasures and value you most. And Jesus deserves to be.
Jesus Wants To Be Your First Love, Treasure, & Passion
What do you seek after or pursue most ?
Proverbs 21:21 – “He who pursues righteousness and loyalty finds life, righteousness and honor.” Pursuing righteousness means to pursue a right & close relationship with God.
Matthew 6:33 – “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. ” Jesus tells us to Seek First His kingdom and His righteousness. This means to put in first place… the most important things in our lives need to be our relationship with God and God’s kingdom work and mission. Top priority. Highest importance.
Jesus wants you to pursue and seek Him – first. Above all other things. When Jesus is your First Love, Treasure, and Passion you will have no problem spending time with Him. And seeking Him. And then following and obeying Him.
Is Jesus Your Passion ?
What takes most of your time & focus & energy ?
Colossians 3:1-2 – “Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.”
God wants you to set your heart and mind on Him and His kingdom work and mission. Your main focus and effort needs to be on your fellowship with God. Then at some point, as you grow closer to God, He will invite you to join Him in His kingdom work & mission.
Jesus Wants To Be Your First Love, Treasure, & Passion
What do you put your trust in ?
Proverbs 3:5-6 – “Trust in the Lord with all your heart. And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.”
God wants you to trust in Him with all your heart. He wants you to trust in Him more than anything else or anyone else. Especially when you do not understand or see what He is doing in your life. Or why He is allowing difficult circumstances in your life.
Jesus wants to be your First Love, because you are His first love. And Jesus wants to be your Treasure, because you are His treasure. And Jesus wants to be your Passion, because you are His passion.
We will continue to look at how Jesus wants to be your First Love, Treasure, & Passion next week in Part 4.
Pursuing Intimacy With God
Pursuing Intimacy With God is committed to helping you with the most important thing in your life… your intimacy with God , your fellowship with Him, and your partnership with God in His Kingdom work & mission.
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