Urgency To Share The Gospel – Part 2
Urgency to Share The Gospel – Part 2
The urgency to share the gospel stems from a deep conviction that the message of hope, love, and salvation can transform lives. The gospel offers a path to healing, salvation, purpose, and eternal life. Making it vital to communicate this good news with as many people as we possibly can.
This sense of urgency is driven by God’s love and compassion. We need to reach out to others, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to experience the profound grace and redemption found in Jesus. In a world filled with uncertainty and hopelessness, sharing the gospel becomes an essential call to action.
In Part 1 we began to look at why we need to have an urgency to share the Gospel with others these days. We are clearly in the end times, and Christ’s return is imminent. In fact, it is very possible that He is coming back soon. And it is very possible that it could be in our life time.
This ought to give us an urgency to share the Gospel with others. And to reach a lost and dying world for Christ. We are running out of time to do this. Let us continue to look into why we need to have a sense of urgency to share the Gospel.
Urgency To Share The Gospel With Others
God’s Activity In The World
It is interesting to see that there has been more evangelism activity in the world in the last 20-25 years or so than ever before. God is mobilizing His people to share the Gospel and reach a lost and dying world like never before.
Sadly though less and less Christians are being obedient fishers of men and actively sharing Christ with others. And less and less churches are participating in God’s activity and mission. In their local area, their region, and in the world.
For example many churches these days do not even have an outreach or evangelism ministry. And they certainly do not have a missions ministry to reach out to people in a foreign land.
Urgency To Share The Gospel With Others
More People Will Be Reached If More People Will Obey And Go
Many more Christians still need to be obedient and go. There are over 3 billion people who still have never heard about Jesus in the world. So obviously there is much more work to do. The more believers that will go and actively share the Gospel with others, the more people will be saved.
“Now this I say, he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.” – 2 Corinthians 9:6
This is a kingdom principle that Paul is sharing. The more we share the Gospel, the more fruit we will see God produce. If we do our part, God will certainly do His part and produce many victories and eternal fruit.
Urgency To Share The Gospel With Others
We Need To Get Serious In This Battle For Souls
We need to get serious in this spiritual battle for souls !!! And we need to get a sense of urgency to share the Gospel. We need to double or triple or quadruple our efforts to share the Gospel.
Here are some interesting facts & statistics for world evangelism and missions:
- World population: 8.1 billion
- Unreached population: 3.4 billion (never heard the Gospel)
- World Major People Groups: 17,445
- Unreached People Groups: 7391 (3.19 billion persons)
I researched these statistics in 2012. Back then the world population was 6.6 billion. There were approx. 6415 unreached people groups in the world. And there were an estimated 1.87 billion unreached people in the world that never heard about Jesus back then.
We have lost ground in the battle for lost souls since then. Now there are 3.4 billion unreached people in the world. There truly is much work to be done.
World Religion Statistics
Here are some other statistics for the world today. These are the estimated numbers of the world religions in 2023.
- 1 billion – Christ followers
- 1.6 billion – nominal or cultural Christian faiths (1.27 billion Catholics)
- 1.98 billion – Muslims
- 1.21 billion – Hindus
- 1 billion – Non religious
- 737 million Ethnic Religions
- 502 million – Buddhists
- 61 million – Other Religions
- 8.75 million – Unknown
There are an estimated 1.2 billion Atheists or non-religious persons in the world these days. This is up from 875 million in 2012.
Urgency To Share The Gospel With Others
Pray And Find Out How God Wants To Use You
Please pray to God and ask Him how He wants you to actively participate in what He is doing today. In your local area, and in the world. God is still actively at work today, and He is waiting for more of us to truly follow and join Him.
“My Father is working until now, and I Myself am working. Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing. For whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in like manner. For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him all things that He Himself is doing; and the Father will show Him greater works than these, so that you will marvel.” – John 5:17,19-20
“My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit, and so prove to be My disciples.” – John 15:8
Pursuing Intimacy With God
Pursuing Intimacy With God is committed to helping you with the most important thing in your life… your intimacy with God , your fellowship with Him, and your partnership with God in His Kingdom work & mission.
The Pursuing Intimacy With God Bible studies book has hundreds of Bible verses and great truths & promises from God’s Word.
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