What Kind Of Church Does God Want ?
What Kind Of Church Does God Want ?
God desires a church that is vibrant, faithful, and compassionate. God wants a church that is embodying the teachings of Jesus Christ. This type of church is a community of believers who love God and each other, serving with humility and selflessness.
It upholds biblical truth, fosters spiritual growth, and spreads the gospel to the world. God wants a church that is a place of worship where His presence is honored. Above all, He desires a church that reflects His love, justice, and mercy, impacting both believers and the lost.
What Kind Of Church Does God Want ?
A Spirit Filled, Powerful, and Fruitful Person & Church
What kind of church does God want ? What kind of Christian and person does He want you to be ? And what does God want His church to be like ?
Many of us would answer these questions by using a combination of today’s modern standards and our own personal opinions or wants. What we think the church ought to be or should be, or what we want the church to be. To find out what God is looking for His children to be, we need to look into God’s Word. The Bible is our authority and guide to find the kind of Christian & church that God wants and desires.
What Kind Of Church Does God Want ?
Clear Guidelines In The Bible
What kind of church does God want ? God has given us clear guidelines in His Word for the kind of church that God wants. He has also given us examples to follow. His Son Jesus, and the early church in the Book of Acts are good examples for us to follow.
This will be a 3 part series of articles that will clearly show the kind of church God wants. We will dig into God’s Word the Bible and discover the 2 keys to being all that God wants us to be. The kind of church that God wants us to be, and that pleases Him. The kind of church that God can use greatly in His Kingdom work and mission.
What Kind Of Church Does God Want ? A Fruitful & Victorious Church
We will start in John 15:8 – “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.”
God wants you and His church to be Spirit-filled, powerful, and fruitful. God is greatly glorified by a fruitful Christian and church.
This verse is talking about the eternal, spiritual fruit that is produced when we are the kind of church that God wants us to be
Jesus’ life here on earth, and the early church in the Book of Acts are our examples to follow. In order to be what God wants us to be we need to follow His word and the examples He has given us. In this part we will dig into Acts chapter 2 and discover the first of 2 keys that we need in order to be the kind of church that God wants.
What Kind Of Church Does God Want ?
ACTS 2:42 – the First Key of Being a Spirit-filled and Fruitful Person & Church
Acts 2:42 – “They devoted themselves to 1) the apostles’ teaching 2) and to fellowship, 3) to the breaking of bread and 4) to prayer.”
Question – if a church does all of these things: church services, worship, teach & preach the Bible (at least some parts of it), Bible studies, small groups, fellowships, prayer time… will it be a spirit filled & successful church ? Will it be the kind of church that God wants ?
At first it appears so. It appears at first glance that these 4 things are the First Key thing we have to do in order to be the church that God wants. Bible study, fellowship, eat together, and prayer.
All of these things are important parts of being a Christian and a church, but they are not the First Key. The vital thing you have to have in order to be what God wants you to be.
God Does Not Want Good Religious People
We can do all of these things in a religious way, and our hearts can still be far from God.
We can go to church services, hear God’s word and study it, go to fellowships and small groups, and be involved in the prayer ministry at church, and our hearts can still be far from God. If we do these things as religious things we are obligated to do. Or we can do them as part of a religious checklist that will show that we are being “good Christians”.
Almost all churches do these things in one form or another, but most churches today are not Spirit-filled, powerful, and fruitful churches. In fact many are dead or dying, especially in America and other parts of the world like Europe these days.
What matters most is where our heart is. We can do all of these things and still our heart can be far from God. We can be good religious and moral people, but our hearts can be far from God.
What Kind Of Church Does God Want ?
The First Key to Being The Kind of Church That God Wants
To find the First Key thing we have to have in order to be what God wants us to be – a Spirit-filled, powerful, and fruitful Christian and church, we need to look again and dig further into Acts 2:42:
Acts 2:42 – “They devoted themselves to… here is the First Key:
The Greek word for devoted “proskartereo” is the strongest word in the Greek language for COMMITMENT. It literally means “to latch on and refuse to let go”. The people in the early church in Acts were not devoted or committed to being good religious people, or to merely doing some religious things.
What Kind Of Church Does God Want ? A Church Fully Devoted To Jesus
The early church in Acts was not devoted or committed to a church. Or to a denomination, or to an organization, or to a ministry. “To latch on to and refuse to let go” means that they “latched on to Jesus and refused to let go of Him.
It means they were fully devoted and committed to follow and obey Jesus. No matter where He leads, no matter what he tells you to do. And no matter the cost.
The early church in Acts lived in a very dangerous time for Christians. The same people that tortured and killed Jesus were still alive. This was shortly after Jesus died on the cross.
The early church in Acts suffered a lot of persecution. And they could be arrested or even killed at any time for serving and following Jesus. All but 1 of the apostles were killed for following and obeying Jesus. And for doing what Jesus called and commanded them to do. Share the Gospel with the lost, and make disciples.
In Part 2 we will continue to look at the question What Kind of Church Does God Want ?
Pursuing Intimacy With God is committed to helping you with the most important thing in your life… your intimacy with God , your fellowship with Him, and your partnership with God in His Kingdom work & mission.
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