True Praise & Worship Of God
True Praise & Worship Of God
True praise and worship of God is an authentic, heartfelt expression of reverence, adoration, and gratitude. It involves not only outward acts like singing, praying, or serving but also an inward commitment to honoring God through a humble spirit and obedience to His word.
And a desire to live in alignment with His will. True worship transcends rituals and forms; it is a sincere connection with God, reflecting a deep understanding of His greatness, holiness, and love. It is a response to His mercy and grace, offering Him the highest place in our hearts and lives.
True Praise & Worship Of God
Prayer is the intimate communication with God. One of the keys to having the closest possible fellowship and intimacy with God is good, honest 2 way communication. You cannot have intimate, open, honest, transparent, 2-way communication with God until you are able to block out all distractions and be fully focused on God.
Starting your prayer & fellowship time with Praise & Worship of God helps you to better focus on Him. It also helps to prepare your heart to hear God’s voice. Praise & worship of God at the beginning of your prayer time helps you to realize who you are with. And it helps you to have a humble heart towards God.
You need to be hungry and ready to hear God’s voice. Your heart needs to be ready and prepared to hear Him. And ready to then respond to whatever God tells you. You need to have a worshipful, soft, and willing & humble and obedient heart. A heart that loves God fully. That is what a true worshipper of God is.
True Praise & Worship Of God
Praise Means to Highly Value God
The root of the words Praise & Worship God means to “place high value on something or someone (God)”. You are God’s First Love & Treasure & Passion, and now God wants to be your First Love & Treasure & Passion. Your Treasure means that God is more valuable, more important, and more precious than anything or anyone else.
Starting your prayer & fellowship time (and your whole day) with Praise & Worship God helps you to focus on God and get ready to hear His voice. Hearing God’s voice is the most important part of your prayer & fellowship time with God.
True Praise & Worship Of God
God inhabits the praises of His people. Your awareness of God’s presence increases when you start your fellowship time with God and your day with praise & worship of God. And your focus on God improves too. You become sensitized to God’s presence.
God is always with us, but we are not always focused and sensitized to His presence in our daily lives.
“… O Thou that inhabits the praises of Israel.” – Psalm 22:3
” Surely I am with you always.” – Matthew 28:20
“The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” – Deuteronomy 31:8
“The Lord is near.” – Philippians 4:5
Even though God is always near and always with us, we are not always with Him. Or at least we are not always focused on God and His presence.
It will be difficult to hear God’s voice if you are distracted and not focused on Him. Praise & worship of God sensitizes you to God’s presence.
True Praise & Worship Of God
Begin Your Day With Praise & Worship Of God
Your fellowship time with God and your day should begin with praise & worship of God. So you can get more focused on God’s presence. And more focused on His voice and what He is trying to tell you and show you.
Why do you think church services start with praise & worship ? First to express your love and adoration for God, to glorify and please Him, and also so you can get your focus on Him so you can reverently listen to Him speaking to you and then respond to Him.
Ecclesiastes 5:1 “Guard your steps as you go to the house of God and draw near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools; for they do not know they are doing evil.”
“Being self centered blinds us to God and his love, and hinders the love relationship. We’ll have a hard time trusting God, hearing God, obeying God, experiencing God, and knowing God.” – Experiencing God
It is natural for humans to be focused on self, or to be self-centered. We all need God to touch and change and cleanse our hearts so that we can stop being self-centered and become God-centered and Kingdom-centered people. Then we will be better focused on God and the things that are important to God.
You Cannot Intimately Communicate With God Until You Are Focused On Him
You cannot have good intimate communication until you first are ready and willing to hear what God has to say. When you can take your focus off of everything around you and fully focus on God, you will be able to hear God’s voice.
In order to hear God speak to you, you need to be ready and willing to listen and hear Him. And be ready to follow and obey whatever God tells you. And to follow however He leads you. Listening is not merely hearing God speak, but acting upon it.
Review True Worship of God … notice that as you go down the list of what true worship of God is, it involves reverently listening to Him, and obeying Him. And ultimately surrendering and giving all of yourself to Him.
In Part 2 we will continue to study the importance of starting your day with praise & worship of God. And the many benefits of praise & worship of God.
Pursuing Intimacy With God
Pursuing Intimacy With God is committed to helping you with the most important thing in your life. Intimacy with God , growing closer to God, and your partnership with God in His Kingdom work & mission.
The Pursuing Intimacy With God Bible studies book has hundreds of Bible verses and great truths & promises from God’s Word.
Pursuing Intimacy With God print version
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Hear God’s Voice: Vital to Having Intimacy With God
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