Is Jesus Christ The Promised Messiah & Savior ?…
Is Jesus Christ The Promised Messiah & Savior ?
Jesus is believed to be the promised Messiah in Christian theology. The term “Messiah” means “Anointed One” and refers to the Savior who was foretold in the Old Testament to deliver God’s people. Christians believe that Jesus fulfills these prophecies through His life, death, and resurrection.
Jesus came to bring salvation, offering forgiveness of sins and eternal life through His sacrifice. Jesus’ role as the Messiah is central to Christian faith, as He is seen not just as a political or military leader, but as the divine Son of God. Fulfilling God’s plan of redemption for all humanity.
Is Jesus Christ The Promised Messiah ?
In Part 1 of Is Jesus Christ The Promised Messiah & Savior ? we began to look at many of the Old Testament prophecies that point to the coming Messiah.
Many Old Testament Prophecies Point To Jesus Christ As The Promised Messiah & Savior
Is Jesus Christ the promised Messiah ? Here are some more of the many Old Testament verses and prophecies that point to the coming Messiah. The Savior of the world. Only one person has fulfilled all of these Old Testament prophecies. Only One is God’s solution to mankind’s problem of sin and eternal separation from God and eternal punishment for sin. Jesus Christ – Is He the promised Messiah & Savior ?
Messiah Prophecy / Old Testament Verse / Jesus Fulfills
- Struck and spat on / Isaiah 50:6 / Matt.26:6,27:30;Mark 14:65
- Mocked and insulted / Psalm 22:7-8 / Matt. 27:39-44, Luke23:11
- Suffer with criminals / Isaiah 53:12 / Matt. 27:38, Mark 15:27-28
- Given vinegar and gall / Psalm 69:21 / Matt. 27:34, John 19:28-30
- Die by crucifixion / Psalm 22:14-17 / Matt. 27:31, Mark 15:20,25
Is Jesus Christ The Promised Messiah & Savior ?
Messiah Prophecy / Old Testament Verse / Jesus Fulfills
- Others cast lots for his clothes / Psalm 22:18 / Matt. 27:35, John 19:23-24
- His bones were not to be broken/ Exodus 12:46/ John 19:31-36
- Die as a sacrifice for sin/ Isaiah 53:5-12/ John 1:29,11:49-52; Acts 10:43
- Be raised from the dead / Psalm 16:10 / Matt. 28:1-10, Acts 2:22-32
- Be at God’s right hand / Psalm 110:1 / Mark 16:19, Luke 24:50-51
Jesus Fulfilled The Prophecies Of Being Raised From The Dead
The last 2 Old Testament prophecies shown above are about how the promised Messiah and Savior would be raised from the dead. And that He will return to heaven to be at God’s right hand. Is Jesus the promised Messiah ? Here are the events that took place after Jesus’ death on the cross where He appeared to His disciples and many other people.
Jesus’ Appearances After His Death & Resurrection:
- Mary Magdalene Mark 16:9-11, John 20:10-18
- Other women at the tomb Matthew 28:8-10
- Peter in Jerusalem Luke 24:34, I Corinthians 15:5
- 2 travelers on the road Mark 16:12-13
- 10 disciples (without Thomas) Mark 16:14, Luke 24:36-42, John 20:19-25
- 11 disciples (with Thomas) John 20:26-31, I Corinthians 15:5
Is Jesus The Promised Messiah & Savior ?
Other Appearances by Jesus After His Death On The Cross
- 7 disciples fishing John 21:1-14
- 11 disciples on a mountain Matthew 28:16-20
- Jesus’ brother James I Corinthians 15:7
- As Jesus ascended into heaven Luke 24:44-49, Acts 1:3-8
- A crowd of 500 people I Corinthians 15:6
“After His suffering, he (Jesus) showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days…” – Acts 1:3
Perhaps the greatest fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies is that Jesus appeared to so many people after His death on the cross. And He did so on numerous occasions. Is Jesus Christ the promised Messiah ? Truly Jesus is the only One who has fulfilled all of the prophecies concerning the promised Messiah and Savior. Truly Jesus is one true solution to our problem of sin and eternal separation and punishment for our sins. Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah and Savior !
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