Missions Stories : God’s Protection
Missions Stories : God’s Protection
The missions stories articles will be about our experiences serving God as full time missionaries. Some of these missions stories will be about how God used unusual circumstances to fulfill His mission work. Some of the other missions stories in the future will be about a variety things. It could be how God divinely protected us in a dangerous situation, such as today’s story. Or it could be about some of the great and amazing things that we have seen God do. I may even occasionally include an experience that was not a positive one. As missionaries engaged in taking the Gospel to as many people in the world as possible, we unfortunately run into a good amount of difficulties and spiritual warfare.
Our Missions Ministry
God called us into full time missions ministry when we were on a mission trip to Sao Paulo Brazil with our church in 2005. God called us to sell my business and everything to serve Him in full time missions, and to be independent and self funded. We started living and serving as missionaries in Sao Paulo Brazil in 2006. We were there for 3 years and then in a different city called Santos for another 4 1/2 years. After that God led us to move to the US and to have mission trips to many different places and countries around the world starting in 2014. To date we have had 43 mission trips to 28 different countries, and we have many missions stories.
Missions Stories : God’s Protection
Before we moved to Sao Paulo Brazil to start our missions ministry God made many promises. Some of the promises were about how He was going to do great things through us. We are ordinary people, basically nobodies, but God made it clear that He was going to empower us and He would do immeasurably more than we could ask or imagine.
God also made promises about how He would provide for everything. God also made promises of how He was going to protect us. This was important because the majority of time we were ministering in many poor areas and slums in Sao Paulo. Most of our ministry work was in schools and in churches and neighborhoods in the “Zona Leste” (East Zone) area of Sao Paulo. This area is made up of many poor “bairros” or neighborhoods, and “favelas” or slums. These areas were dangerous places to be, especially at night.
Serving In One of The Worst Areas
In our first month of being in Sao Paulo, we were asked to partner with a church to speak at a school event for students and teachers in the Ferraz de Vasconcelos area. Ferraz de Vasconcelos is one of the worst areas in the far east zone of Sao Paulo. There are several slums there, and the area is known to be a dangerous high crime area.
The event at the school was in the afternoon, and it went very well with many students & parents accepting Christ. We left the school at around 3 pm, so it was not even at night. We were driving back home on a main road in Ferraz de Vasconcelos, and there was very light traffic. All of a sudden a group of 7 or 8 motorcycles with 2 people on them were coming up from behind us. Many of our Brazilian friends warned us about when you see a group of motorcycles with 2 people on them. This usually was a gang or a group of criminals that steal cars at gunpoint.
Missions Stories : God’s Protection – God Promised To Protect Us
The group of motorcycles came right up to us and surrounded our car. The young man that came with us to help in the school said that they were going to steal our car. As the gang was coming up alongside us I told God that He had promised to protect us, and that we needed Him to honor that promise now. They all rode alongside of us for about a minute, and they were looking into our car and at us. It seemed much longer than a minute.
All of a sudden the whole group of motorcycles began to drop back from our car. I do not know what they saw, but we believe that they saw something from God that caused them to back off. Perhaps they saw angels by our car. Or maybe fiery angels. No one knows, but whatever happened the gang of motorcycles backed off and left us alone.
As we were driving away I looked into my rear view mirror. I could see the gang on the motorcycles had stopped another car a good distance behind us. They stole that car at gunpoint.
God Is Perfectly Faithful
We are very thankful for God’s protection. There were many times that we were in difficult and dangerous places in Sao Paulo and other places. And we are very thankful that God is perfectly faithful and He always does what He says or promises.
Isaiah 46:11 “What I have said, that I will bring about; what I have planned, that I will do.”
Numbers 23:19 “God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent; Has He said, and will He not do it?”
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