Testimonies Of God At Work In The World
God is working in great ways in the world. He is touching and saving a great number of people who are without Christ. He is also transforming a great number of hearts and lives. We are privileged to be a part of what God is doing in the world, through the Pursuing Intimacy With God studies & site, and in our missions ministry.
Here are some testimonies of God at work through Pursuing Intimacy With God
“Words to appreciate I just can’t find but please accept my gratitude. The study has really transformed my life and family. May God almighty increase you in wisdom knowledge and understanding. Amen” – Samuel, Kenya
“The time and effort you sow into reaching thousands upon thousands of people globally has and continues to touch lives and edify the body of Christ. I am thankful to God and to your ministry for your work.” – Carlos, South Africa
” We want you to know how much this guide has been a blessing to us. We have been using it on a regular basis and I’m sure it will always be a resource in our permanent library. Keep doing what you are doing. This has really changed our lives. – Carrie, United States
“What an awesome thing that your ministry is sharing with the world. God’s word is user friendly, spoken as Jesus did where all can understand and want to learn more of Jesus, study more and do his will. I have never found such detailed shared information of God’s word all in one book so to speak, I am going to use it graciously and may God continue to endow you with his Holy Spirit.” – Ruby, United States
“Thank you so much for your website. Ive benefited so much from it and it has helped me so much in my relationship with Jesus! I believe its the no1 thing I need to pursue and He makes me so happy and only He gives me satisfaction !” – Zsuzsi, Budapest Hungary
More Testimonies of God At Work
” Your website, what I’ve read so far is an overwhelming refreshing shower to my spirit. To discover a ministry that focuses on loving God is so utterly a confirmation to me. What could be more important…yet it seems few discuss this..the first commandment! Could we ever learn enough about loving and knowing Him?…Fathomless depths. Thank you for your precious hearts. What you are are teaching and sharing is the single deepest need in this world…in the heart of every living soul, an especially blaring cry the darker things appear naturally. – Julia, United States
“Thankyou so much for the creation of this website!!! God is using it to change my life! All of my life, (though I’m only 18 years old), my only desire was please my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And even though I was a born-again Christian, I was missing the entire point! I was trying so hard to please Him, trying with all of my might to be absolutely perfect… I was missing the entire point, the entire freedom and beauty that Christ led us to by His death and resurrection.
He didn’t free us to a slave ownership, but to a friendship, an intimate love relationship!… Now I am beginning to understand that He wants to transform me by His power as I fall in love with Him! Thankyou so much for creating this website where I can learn and grow in this wonderful new truth, new life, that has been placed before me! My purpose now is fall absolutely head over heels in love with my Maker! And I am so excited I can hardly wait!.” – Brooke, United States
“Just wanted to say thanks for this site. I typed in the search because this is what God has been doing in my life. Drawing me into intimacy and showing me how easily grieved He is. You will be more blessed than ever before.” – Stephen, Australia
“Thank you for your very personal email that comes with prayer for me. I really appreciate this and will definitely feedback to you after I have gone through the study. I will be accompanying this study with a fast.” – Sara, United States
“The material on your website is awesome. Glory to God for faithful servants!” – Ray, United States
More Testimonies Of God At Work
“Praise the Lord. Please I request a copy of your wondrous book on how to develop a closer fellowship with God.” – Meshak, Uganda
“Hi, Thank you for publishing this great material.” – Johan, South Africa
“Thank you for sending the book Pursuing Intimacy with God. I look forward to this great study. I’m a former inmate having done 12 years and now want to draw closer to God. – Gary, United States
“I will certainly join in praying for this study and for you as you continue to work with it as the Lord directs. Those weeks of study were so very meaningful to me! – Reid, United States
“Once again I cant thank you enough; your help is much appreciated and I am so grateful towards you for this… I will start a new habit in my life and wake up at 6 am instead of 6.30 and use that first 30 minutes for prayer with God and ask him to show me the way the truth and the life of our lord Jesus.” – John, Ireland
“Thank you for this website. It is a blessing to me. Now I have a Christian site I can get all the resources and information I need. GOD bless you all !!!!!” – Sheryl, United States
More Testimonies Of God At Work
“I am in awe of the study book. I did not expect to receive so much information… Again, thank you.” – Olivia, United States
“I love to write you as a Nepali Christian, I’m involved in the church planting and training ministry. Our country is facing much problems due to civil war, could you pray for the country a peaceful solution of treaty between Maoists and the government. We have started a church in main town of Pokhara… I am very happy getting your e-mail, and have much blessed by your Intimacy With God program. May God bless you and provide all resources to you. Many people will be blessed by your program. Yesterday I visited on the subject God’s calling for your life was very blessing and useful to me. I am teaching to new and old believers in the training, it is therefore very helpful for me. – Purna, Nepal
“The study was excellent ! I could understand it. It was done beautifully and simply… God has changed our lives through this study. We are both working for a soft and humble heart.” – Nancy, United States
“God has blessed you with a wonderful ministry that is a blessing to His Body, and for that I praise Him.” – Sam, United States
“Thank you Friends in Christ Jesus! I have been blessed by your site especially by the article – God’s Calling for your life. I am 33 years old and I live in Poland, and I am in the time of making important decisions in my life. Still searching for God’s answer as for His call and direction in my life… My deepest desire is to do Father’s perfect will… Keep doing a good work of building His Kingdom.” – Dorota, Poland
“Greetings & wishes to you in Jesus name. I have surfed articles in website it is very useful for me to know Christ. I want to know purpose why I was created and what is the plan that God is having for my life. And I want to know God intimately his love for me through his grace. I want to be transformed to image and likeness of God.” – Nirmal, India
“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask and imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever. Amen !” – Ephesians 3:20-21
Salvation: The Requirements for True Salvation
Pursuing Intimacy With God
Pursuing Intimacy With God is committed to helping you with the most important thing in your life… your intimacy with God , your fellowship with Him, and your partnership with God in His Kingdom work & mission.
There are hundreds of Bible verses and great truths & promises in the Pursuing Intimacy With God studies.
** New Expanded Edition of Pursuing Intimacy With God Bible Studies Book – 40% more material
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Prayer: The Keys To Powerful Prayer
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