Read more “Is Jesus Your First Love ? (Idols In Your Life)” →
God’s Call For Your Life
What is God’s call for your life ? That is the question many Christians wonder about and seek an answer to. Is it for full time ministry, or to be a missionary, or to be a lay person, or …?
God’s word offers some insight into His calling and His plans & will for His people. God has already called you, and God’s call is in His word.
Is Jesus The Promised Messiah – The Promised Savior ?
Messiah means the “Anointed One” or the “Chosen One”. Is Jesus Christ the promised Messiah, the One many Old Testament verses and prophets pointed to as the coming Redeemer and Deliverer and Savior ?
Below are some of the many Old Testament prophecies that pointed to the coming Savior and the New Testament verses where Jesus fulfilled every one of the prophecies, as well as the overwhelming evidence that he rose from the dead after being crucified.
Can We Know God Intimately ?
What does “to know God” mean in the Bible ? Is it possible to know God intimately and be His friend ? It means much more than just knowing about God. God wants us to know Him and His love & mercy & goodness,… in very personal and real ways, to enjoy His presence in our lives, and to see and then join Him in His activity & work in and around us.
Religion vs Relationship With God
Religion can be very different than having a Relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ.
God’s plan is not based on people’s efforts and good works, because you would have to be perfect in order to qualify this way. No one is perfect. Only Jesus Christ lives a sinless and perfect life. God’s plan is based on His amazing Love and amazing Grace for us.
Read more “Hear God’s Voice : Vital For Intimacy With God” →