Discover The Desires Of God’s Heart
Discover The Desires of God’s Heart
Discover the desires of God’s heart refers to seeking to understand God’s will, His passions, and His purpose for humanity. It involves aligning one’s life with God’s will and desires, which are revealed through God’s word the Bible, prayer, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
By pursuing a deeper relationship with God, you can discern His desires for fellowship, love, and salvation. This spiritual journey helps you live in a way that reflects God’s love and purpose. Ultimately fulfilling His plan for both personal transformation and growth, and the salvation and well-being of others.
Discover The Desires Of God’s Heart
As you walk closely with God and seek Him with all of your heart, you will discover the desires of God’s heart. And as you grow spiritually to be more like Jesus, God will touch and change your heart. And God will place His desires, interests, priorities, and passions into your heart. So that ultimately you will be completely one with God.
Many people do not consider or know God’s heart, and that He has desires. Often times we are too focused on our own wants and desires to consider God’s desires.
In this 3 part series of Bible study articles we will discover the desires of God’s heart. God reveals Himself, His heart, and His desires in His Word the Bible.
Discover The Desires Of God’s Heart
3 Main Desires of Gods Heart
There are 3 main desires of God’s heart that we will look into in this series of Bible studies. The first 2 desires of God’s heart we will look at are for Christians. And the 3rd of God’s desires is for all people. God’s word the Bible reveals God’s heart and the desires of His heart. Before we look at the first of God’s desires in this article, we need to understand why it is important to know what God’s desires are. When we understand the desires of God’s heart, then we can begin to know Him more intimately.
We will begin to see God for who He is really is. Then we will also begin to understand what God wants to accomplish in us and in the world & people’s lives around us. We will see what God is doing in the world, and what His passion and mission and purpose is, and how we can join Him in His kingdom work and mission.
Before we look at the first of God’s desires in His heart, you need to understand that God wants to (and needs to) touch and change our hearts, yours and mine. He wants to touch and change our hearts so that we will have the same heart and the same desires and interests and priorities that He has. If He does not do this, we will never be “people after God’s own heart”, and we can never be one with God and have close fellowship & intimacy with Him. We need to be one with God and in complete unity with Him, in order to have intimacy with Him.
Having the Right Kind of Heart Is Important
Psalm 37:4 says “Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”
Many Christians the days believe that this verse means that if we are Christians and love God, that He will give us whatever we want or desire.
To understand what this verse really means, we need to understand what the Biblical word (Hebrew) for “delight in the Lord” means in this verse.
Literally the word for delight in the Lord means to be “soft and pliable, or soft and moldable”. Like a soft piece of clay. It means to have a soft and moldable and humble heart towards God. When we have a soft and moldable and humble heart towards God, then He is able to take the desires of God’s heart and place them into our hearts.
When God is able to change and transform our hearts, and our desires & interested & priorities, then we will be able to be one with God. And on the same page as God. And then we will be able to have intimacy with God.
Being a Christian is not about us and our hearts. Or about our wants and desires and passions. It is not about our will. It is all about God’s will. And the desires of God’s heart, and His wants and passions.
Discover The Desires Of God’s Heart
What Are The Desires of God’s Heart ?
So if God wants to change and transform our hearts, so that He can places His desires into our hearts, what are the desires of God’s heart ? What are the desires in God’s heart that He wants to place into us ? So that we can be people after God’s own heart ? We will talk about the first desire in God’s heart in this article.
This desire and the 2nd desire of God’s heart in the next article are for Christians. People who have repented of their sins (Mark 1:14-15), and placed all of their faith in Jesus Christ (Mark 1:14-15). And received Jesus as their Lord and Savior and committed to follow Him as their Lord (John 1:12).
The 1st of The 3 Main Desires of God’s Heart
1 Corinthians 1:9 tells us “God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our LORD.”
God’s main call, His main desire for all of His followers, is to have close personal fellowship with Him
When most people hear the words “God’s call” they think of when God calls someone to be a pastor, or a missionary. Or to do something for Him in His work.
1 Corinthians 1:9 tells us that God’s main call and desire is for all Christians to have close fellowship with Him.
The Greek word for “fellowship” in this verse is the word “koinania”. This word means to have the closest possible intimate fellowship with God, to be one with God or in complete unity with Him (and His will, desires, interests, and priorities), and to have a partnership with God is His kingdom work & mission.
God’s main desires in His heart… is you ! He desires the closest possible fellowship and intimacy with you, and for you to be one with Him and in complete unity with Him. And He wants to give your life great meaning and purpose and value by giving you the privilege of having a partnership with Him in His kingdom work and mission.
Discover The Desires Of God’s Heart
God Wants to Touch And Change Your Heart
God wants to touch and change your heart & desires. He wants to place His strong desire for close and intimate fellowship into you, so that you will want to do whatever it takes to have the closest possible fellowship with Him.
Discover The Desires Of God’s Heart
You Are God’s First Love & Treasure & Passion
Let me say it a different way… You are God’s first love. He loves you more than anything else that He created. Now He wants to be your First Love, and for you to love Him more than anything else in the world.
Another way to say it… You are God’s treasure. You are more valuable, more precious, and more important to God than anything else He created. Now God wants to be your Treasure… He wants to be more valuable, more precious, and more important to you than anything else in the world.
Another way to say it… You are God’s passion. He is more passionate about you than anything else He created. Now God wants to be your Passion… He wants you to be more passionate about God and the things He is passionate about than anything else in the world.
God Wants to Be Your First Love, Treasure, and Passion
God deserves to be our First Love, our Treasure, and our Passion. He is worthy of this, and because of what Jesus has done for us by sacrificing everything for us on the cross, we ought to love Him with all of our heart, and strength, and mind, and soul. He wants and desires this from us, and He is worthy of this type of love and devotion and passion from us.
In part 2 of this series of articles we will look at the 2nd of the desires of God’s heart.
Pursuing Intimacy With God
Pursuing Intimacy With God is committed to helping you with the most important thing in your life… your intimacy with God , your fellowship with Him, and your partnership with God in His Kingdom work & mission.
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