How To Know God Personally Part 4
How To Know God Personally – Part 4
Personally knowing God involves developing a deep, intimate relationship with Him. An intimate relationship with God is characterized by trust, communication, understanding, love, devotion…
An intimate relationship with God takes time and effort to develop. Knowing God personally will bring meaning and purpose to your life, along with many other spiritual riches such as joy, peace, hope…
In Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3 we have been looking into God’s word to see how to know God personally. And how we can have close fellowship with God and complete unity with Him.
Now in Part 4 ofHow To Know God Personally we will finish up finding the keys to knowing God personally. In this part we will look deeper into the Biblical meaning of “to Know God”. The words used in the Old Testament and New Testament include various keys to truly knowing God in personal and real ways.
How To Know God Personally
Jesus Tells Us That We Can Be Friends Of God
There are various instances where Jesus taught his followers that they can be friends of God.
“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.” – John 15:13
We all know that Jesus laid down His life for us. He died on the cross to pay the price and the punishment for all of our sins, and for for salvation. And so we can have a restored personal relationship with God. But Jesus was also talking about how we need to be willing to lay down our life for Him. So that we can have close fellowship with Him, and to be considered as His friend. A true and loyal and faithful friend of Jesus.
“No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing. But I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.” – John 15:15
What It Takes To Be Called A Friend Of Jesus
Jesus called these followers of His friends because they had proven themselves to be faithful and obedient to Him. They were far from perfect, and soon they were about to deny Him when He was arrested and soon to be crucified. But after that, with God’s grace and the help of the Holy Spirit, they would become fearlessly loyal and faithful servants and friends of Jesus.
All but one of the apostles in the early church were killed for following and obeying Jesus. And for telling others about Jesus. They proved that they were worthy of being called a friend of Jesus because of their faithful obedience and devotion to Him.
“You are my friends if you do what I command you.” – John 15:14
How To Know God Personally
The Bible Says We Can Know God Personally
“This is Eternal Life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent.” – John 17:3
Salvation and eternal life do not just mean we receive the gifts of a restored relationship with God and eternal life in heaven. It does not mean that we just live our life the way we want to, while we wait for the end of our life so we can go to heaven.
God created and saved you so you can then have the closest possible fellowship with Him. And so that you can know God personally. And so you can be transformed to have complete unity with God. Then you can also have a partnership with God in His kingdom work and mission here in the world.
Other Verses About How To Know God Personally
“So that you may know and believe Me (God), and understand that I am He.” – Isaiah 43:10
God wants you to know God personally and in real ways. He wants you to experience His goodness, faithfulness, mercy, grace… in real and personal ways in your life. Reading about God is one thing. But to experience God and know Him in real and personal ways is far far better than to just know about God.
Next we will look at the meaning of the various words in the Bible that are translated “to know God”. The meanings of these words hold the keys to truly knowing God personally and having close fellowship with Him.
How To Know God Personally
What “To Know God” Means in The Old Testament
“Teach me your ways so that I may know you and continue in your favor.” – (Moses) Exodus 33:13
The Hebrew word “yada” is used in the Old Testament and is translated in English as the word “Know” or “Knowledge”. The Hebrew word yada has a much wider sweep and meaning than the English word know. The Biblical Old Testament word for Knowing God means the following; to know God means:
- to Perceive
- to Learn
- to Understand
- to Recognize
- to Believe
- to Accept God’s Claims
- to Conform
- to Be Willing
- to Perform or Live
- to Obey
- to See or Experience
These words that come out of the Hebrew word “yada” all hold important keys to getting to know God the way that He wants us to know Him. The opposite of knowing God is not ignorance or a lack of knowledge, but is Rebellion. Notice the definition of “yada” starts with learning and perceiving. From there it develops into accepting (believing) God’s words & claims, and then to conforming. And then it continues to develop into conforming and surrendering of your will. And finally it turns into living for God, obeying Him, and thus seeing and experiencing God in real and personal ways.
How To Know God Personally
What “To Know God” Means in The New Testament
The Greek words “oida” and “ginosko” are used in the New Testament. They have the wider meanings as the Hebrew word “yada”, but in the context that they are used in the New Testament, they also have the following additional meaning. To know God means:
- to Believe & Accept Jesus
- to Know Truth
- to Know Jesus is to Know God
- to Respond in Faith
To know God personally is much more than just reading about and knowing about God. Knowing God is not just gaining knowledge about God by reading the Bible. To truly know God the way He wants you to know Him involves trusting and following Him, submitting to Him, and obeying Him.
But before you can enjoy the blessings and joy of knowing God personally and having close fellowship with God, you must know Jesus first. You must know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. You must first have a restored personal relationship with God through His Son Jesus Christ. In other words, you need to receive God’s gift of salvation before you can start to pursue and develop close personal fellowship with God.
The Joy Of Knowing God Personally
There is great joy in having close fellowship with God. The fruits of the Holy Spirit are love, joy, peace… God is the Source of these fruits, and without close personal fellowship with God there will be no love, joy, and peace in your life.
You were created and saved in order to know God personally and have close fellowship with Him. God wants you to experience His live, and His joy, and His peace in your life. You can be a Christian and can be attending church faithfully, and still not have the benefits of knowing God personally. Only when you fully surrender your life and heart to Jesus, and seek Him with all of your being will you begin to grow closer to Him. And only then will you be able to enjoy the blessings and benefits of walking closely with God and knowing God personally.
“O, the fullness, the pleasure, the sheer excitement of knowing God on earth.” – Jim Elliott
“Teach me Your ways, so that I may know you, and continue to find favor with You.” – Moses (Exodus 33:13)
“I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.” – Paul (Philippians 3:7-10)
Pursuing Intimacy With God
Pursuing Intimacy With God is committed to helping you to learn how to know God personally. The most important thing in your life needs to be your intimacy with God , your fellowship with Him, and your partnership with God in His Kingdom work & mission.
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