How To Know God Personally – Part 1
How To Know God Personally
Personally knowing God involves developing a deep, intimate relationship with Him. An intimate relationship with God is characterized by trust, communication, understanding, love, devotion…
An intimate relationship with God takes time and effort to develop. Knowing God personally will bring meaning and purpose to your life, along with many other spiritual riches such as joy, peace, hope…
How to Know God Personally
What does “to know God” mean in the Bible ? Is it possible to know God personally ? Is it possible to be God’s friend ?
How to know God personally means much more than just knowing about God. God wants us to know Him and His love & mercy & goodness… in very personal and real ways. And to enjoy God’s presence in our lives. And to see and then join God in His activity & work around us.
How To Know God Personally ?
Your Main Calling In Life : To Have Personal & Intimate Fellowship With God
Most people, when they hear the words “God’s Calling”, think of when God calls someone to be a pastor. Or when He calls people to be missionaries, like my wife Nancy and I. We are full time self-funded missionaries serving in Brazil. We usually think of when God calls someone to serve or do something in His kingdom work.
But God’s word shows us something different. The Bible shows that God’s main calling on your life is to have personal and intimate fellowship with Him.
“God is faithful, through whom you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” – 1 Corinthians 1:9
How To Know God Personally ?
The original Greek word for “fellowship” in 1 Corinthians 1:9 is “Koinania”. Normally this word is used in the Bible to describe the close fellowship and unity in a Spirit-filled church. In this verse it is used to describe God’s main calling for you to have fellowship with Him. This is not a verse about salvation. It is a verse about what God desires for His children after they are saved.
Koinania means the closest possible fellowship with God. And to have complete unity with God. And then to have a partnership with God where you get the privilege and honor of joining God in His kingdom work and mission.
God wants you to have the closest possible fellowship with Him. Because He loves you so much. And because you are very special and precious to Him. You are more valuable to Him than anything else that He has created. And because God is not some far away spirit being. God is a loving and personal God who cares for you. And who wants very much for you to know Him personally, and in very personal and real ways.
“that they should seek the Lord, if perhaps they might reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us.” – Acts 17:27
How To Know God Personally
In Part 2 of How To Know God Personally we will continue to look deeply into God’s word to find the keys to know God in personal and real ways. Not just to know about God, but to know and experience Him in your life. How to know God personally and to have close personal fellowship with God is far better than just knowing about Him.
Pursuing Intimacy With God
Pursuing Intimacy With God is committed to helping you with the most important thing in your life… your intimacy with God , your fellowship with Him, and your partnership with God in His Kingdom work & mission.
There are hundreds of Bible verses and great truths & promises in the Pursuing Intimacy With God studies book
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