How To Hear God Speaking To You Part 4
How to hear God speaking to you
Hearing God speak involves cultivating a close, attentive relationship with Him through prayer, reading Scripture, and quiet reflection. God often speaks through His Word, providing guidance and wisdom for our lives. He may also speak through the Holy Spirit, offering promptings, peace, or conviction in our hearts.
Listening to God requires slowing down and being still, setting aside distractions to tune in to His voice. Additionally, God can speak through circumstances, trusted spiritual leaders, or other believers. The key is to remain open, patient, and discerning, recognizing that God’s voice often comes in gentle, subtle ways, inviting us into deeper communion with Him.
How To Hear God Speaking To You Part 4
Hindrances to Hear God Speaking To You
Hearing God’s voice is by far the most important part of your prayer & fellowship time with Him. You cannot have an intimate and wonderful fellowship with God without learning to hear God’s voice and intimately communicate with Him. In this article we will review the various things that are hindrances to hear God’s voice. These hindrances to hear God’s voice are also hindrances to our intimacy with God.
There is a big difference between to hear God’s voice and to listen to Him. The Biblical word to listen means to reverently and attentively hear God’s voice, with the intent of doing & obeying what you hear God say. Our heart needs to be right with God, with no hinderances to hear God’s voice. Seeking God and listening to His voice is part of having a humble and reverent heart attitude toward God.
Here are some hindrances to hear God’s voice that hinder us from having intimacy with God. There are many things that can cause us to not hear God’s voice.
How To Hear God Speaking To You
- We need to be in God’s word and spend time with Him regularly to know God
- God speaks to His people often in the Bible to lead and guide and instruct them
- Hebrews 1:1-2 – “In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe.”
- Many people do not know God well enough to know that He speaks to His people
- John 10:27 – “My sheep listen to my voice. I know them, and they follow me.”
- Many people don’t know or feel that they are God’s dearly loved child. Often they or feel think “Why would God want to talk to me ?”
3. GUILT (False Guilt)
- Satan lies and gives a person a false sense of guilt.
- False guilt can hinder our fellowship & intimacy with God
- False guilt will hinder us from hearing God’s voice
How To Hear God Speaking To You
- The cares of the world crowd God out of our lives.
- It takes quality time with God and effort to hear God’s voice.
- You need to believe that God wants to speak to you through His Holy Spirit and His Word.
- You need to believe that God wants to give your life purpose and meaning. And that He wants to use you in His eternal kingdom work and mission.
- If you’re angry at God you won’t want to listen to Him.
- People get angry at God for many reasons. They don’t like the way their life is. Or they are angry at God for letting difficult circumstances or trials happen. Some blame God for bad things that happen…
- It is impossible to have a soft, humble, and moldable heart towards God if you are angry at Him.
- It is difficult to have a heart that wants to hear God’s voice and follow Him if you are angry at Him.
How To Hear God Speaking To You
7. SIN
- Sin hinders our fellowship and intimacy with God. It separates us from God.
- “But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, And your sins have hidden His[a]face from you so that He does not hear.” – Isaiah 58:2
- 1 John 1:9 tells us that “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” Allow God to search your heart and regularly maintain your fellowship with Him.
- Confession is more than just saying “I confess my sin and I sorry I sinned”. Confession is agreeing with God about your sin and that you personally sinned again God. And that you intend to do something about the sin.
- There needs to be a turning away from sin (repentance) and a turn back to God. Then your fellowship with God will be restored.
- The opposite of knowing God is rebellion and disobedience, not a lack of information or understanding.
- Not attentively and reverently reading God’s word and not listening to Him, and living any way you want to is being rebellious towards God. It is having a hard rebellious heart.
- God mainly speak through His word. At times God will speak into your heart during your prayer and quiet time with Him. If you think God is speaking into your heart, it should always agree with or match what you are seeing and hearing in God’s word.
- God will often use people or circumstances to confirm what He is saying through His word. You need to pay attention to the person speaking or the circumstances, if they match up with what God is speaking through His word.
How To Hear God Speaking To You
- You can learn to hear God’s voice. It takes time but you can learn how to discern God’s voice and what He is speaking to you.
We hope that this series on How To Hear God’s Speaking To You has been helpful. May God bless your fellowship with Him, your life, and your serving in His kingdom work & mission. All for His glory.
Pursuing Intimacy With God
Pursuing Intimacy With God is committed to helping you with the most important thing in your life… your intimacy with God , your fellowship with Him, and your partnership with God in His Kingdom work & mission.
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Hinderances To Hearing God’s Voice
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