Meditate On God’s Word The Bible
Meditate On God’s Word The Bible
Meditating on God’s Word means deeply reflecting on and contemplating the teachings of the Bible. It goes beyond just reading Scripture. It involves focusing on specific passages, allowing them to sink into your heart and mind, and seeking to understand and apply them to your life.
This practice helps cultivate a closer relationship with God, strengthens faith, and brings wisdom, peace, and guidance. By meditating on God’s Word regularly, believers can grow in spiritual maturity, align their thoughts with God’s will, and experience transformation through the power of Scripture.
Hearing God’s voice is the most important part of your prayer & fellowship time with God. Understanding what God is saying to you is difficult if you do not know how to properly read and interpret the Bible. It is essential to learn to read God’s word, and observe as much as you can while you read His word. Then you need to meditate on God’s word before you try to interpret what God is saying or trying to teach you.
Having a daily devotion time to read God’s word the Bible and meditate on God’s word is vital to your walk and intimacy with God. You cannot have intimate fellowship with God and become one with God and a partner with God in His Kingdom work if you do not reverently listen to Him.
In John 10:4 & 27 Jesus tells us that His “sheep” or true followers know His (the Good Shepherd) voice and they follow Him. You cannot truly know and follow Jesus unless you can hear His voice. And unless He reveals Himself and His ways and His will to you. You simply cannot hear God’s voice If you do not read the Bible and meditate on God’s word.
Meditate On God’s Word The Bible
Let God Speak First In Your Prayer Time
If you read and meditate on God’s word early in your prayer/quiet time with God, you allow Him to speak to you first. And allow Him to have first place in your quiet time. Since hearing God’s voice is the most important time in our fellowship time with God, we need to read and meditate on God’s word early on.
Our heart attitude needs to be “Speak Lord for you servant is listening” (1 Samuel 3:9-10). The Biblical word for listen means to “reverently listen to God, with the intent of doing or following whatever you hear – even before you hear it”. Is this your heart attitude ?
Meditating on God’s word leads you from reading God’s word to understanding what God is saying. And then to being careful to do or apply what God says in your life. Then you will have the blessed life that God wants you to have, and you will be a blessing to others.
Here are some practical tips and some wisdom from the Bible to help you to meditate on God’s word so that you can read and interpret His word and better understand what God is saying to you.
Don’t Just Quickly Read God’s Word. Examine It Thoroughly & Meditate On It
“Reflect on what I am saying, for the Lord will give you insight into all of this.” – 2 Timothy 2:7
“Now the Bereans were of more noble (honorable) character than the Thessalonians, for they
received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.” – Acts 17:11
When you read and meditate on God’s word, reflect on it and ask the following questions
“Speak Lord. What are you trying to say to me ?” (1 Samuel 3:10)
– Is there Sin to avoid ?
– Does it include a Promise to claim ?
– Is there a Command to obey ?
– Is there a Blessing to enjoy ?
– Does it have an Example to follow (or to avoid) ?
– Is there something new to learn about God’s Character ?
Meditate On God’s Word The Bible
God Uses People, Circumstances, and What You Sense In Your Heart During Prayer Time
When you are trying to discern God’s will and calling on your life, meditate on God’s word. Thinks about how God is using your circumstances or other people to confirm what He is saying through His Word.
Also reflect on what you are sensing in your heart during your prayer time. Does it match up with what God is saying to you through His Word ?
Ask the question: “How does what I am sensing in my prayer time, or what I see in my circumstances, or what other Godly people are telling me confirm what God is saying when I read and meditate on God’s Word ?
In Part 2 we will continue to learn more about the importance of meditating on God’s Word. And how to meditate on God’s word and discern what God is saying to you.
Pursuing Intimacy With God
Pursuing Intimacy With God is committed to helping you with the most important thing in your life… your intimacy with God , your fellowship with Him, and your partnership with God in His Kingdom work & mission.
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Salvation: The Requirements for True Salvation
Preview the Pursuing Intimacy With God Studies Book
Jesus Christ Is The Source of Abundant Life
Can You Personally Know God – Part 2
Hearing God’s Voice – Vital for Intimacy With God
Hinderances To Hearing God’s Voice
You Can Learn to Hear God’s Voice
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The Greatest Desire of God’s Heart